Looking for SHARP VZ-2500 phono motor

Discussion in 'Tech talk' started by Funkateer38, Jan 5, 2020.

  1. Funkateer38

    Funkateer38 New Member

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    I am looking for phono motor in working order for SHARP VZ-2500.
    Let me PM
    Thank you.

    [GALLERY=media, 1389]VZ-2500 PHONO MOTOR by Funkateer38 posted Jan 5, 2020 at 10:16 PM[/GALLERY]
  2. Easthelp

    Easthelp Active Member

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    Florida, USA
    Hi, there. I suppose you’ve seen items like the “New Turntable Motor 180H Phono Direct Drive”?


    The paper label for the item indicates that it was made for RadioShack. I don’t know if that means “not compatible.”

    The item is priced at US$30.00 (though one can “Make [An] Offer”). The seller seems to offer only "Economy" shipping (two American dollars). But, hey, with my ongoing problems with my LASONiC DTS-98, getting there in one piece is definitely more important than getting there quickly. (Shaking my head)

    Still more importantly, can one trust the quality of those sorts of “off brand” parts that one can call “generic” or “universal” spare parts? Their specifications probably don’t match those of the original parts they are supposed to be replacing. For instance, the “New Turntable Motor 180H Phono Direct Drive” item has a potential difference of 18 volts. Isn’t that too high for the requirements of a record player boombox? Even home stereo record players often were made to run on no more than 8 to 10 watts, right? That wouldn’t require an 18V motor, would it? And, to begin with, the shape and dimensions of the “generic” part might make it tricky, if not impossible, to fit into the cavity for the original part that the generic is supposed to replace.

    Before I forget: what’s the manufacturing date code for the original Sharp PHONO motor? Was it made before 1986?

    Well, bon chance with your search for parts. Those VZ-series Sharps sure can sound (and look) good when in use.
  3. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Last edited: Jan 10, 2020

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