Wow, I didn't see that coming, I have a bad gut feeling about Eddie VH, some of the things that DLR is mentioning don't sound good.
Not a big Rush fan, but seeing the second generation of my rock-stars phasing out makes me think of what Mike Fremer said when David Bowie passed away: so unfair!!!
Neil Pert wrote the lyrics for Rush's "Spirit of the Radio" ..... 11:37 Now playing- Spirit of the Radio Begin the day With a friendly voice A companion, unobtrusive Plays that song that's so elusive And the magic music makes your morning mood Off on your way Hit the open road There is magic at your fingers For the spirit ever lingers Undemanding contact In your happy solitude Invisible airwaves Crackle with life Bright antennae bristle With the energy Emotional feedback On a timeless wavelength Bearing a gift beyond price Almost free All this machinery Making modern music Can still be open-hearted Not so coldly charted It's really just a question Of your honesty, yeah your honesty One likes to believe In the freedom of music But glittering prizes And endless compromises Shatter the illusion Of integrity… Quite a statement, coming from Canadians back during the early 1980s, eh ??? Bleusy ****************
One of the things about Rush is the first few notes of their songs is very memorable, they had a gift to hook you right away.