I stumbled across this magazine while browsing and here is the link for it .It makes for an interesting read i think https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=15&ved=2ahUKEwjcrreYuJLnAhWORxUIHeTFCoMQFjAOegQIChAB&url=https://www.americanradiohistory.com/Archive-HiFI-Stereo/90s/Stereo-Review-1991-12.pdf&usg=AOvVaw0m3ilcQfiv_MqLQ9rq80zX
Philips were certainly splashing out with a three page advert for the CDI. It is rather ironic that I paid about £60 for mine, new and complete with the optional Full Motion Video cartridge about five years later. After a quick play with the additional features I only ever used it as a CD player. To my ears it did sound good though, a big improvement on the Hitachi it replaced.
I've looked through so many magazines on that site and posted a few of the players from that magazine in the Walkman Archeology Thread (today). I search with google, it tends to find more, but feel free to contribute to the Walkman and boombox threads. Some of the magazines (including the best ones) have been taken down so get the screen shots while you can. Archive.org is also wonderful, there is a ton of stuff on there but the search engines are very difficult, it's hard just to search "boombox" a lot of crap shows up.