Hi All. Just rebuilt a beautiful red DDIII but noticed there is a noise in both channels which can only be heard when a cassette is between tracks or when no cassette is in the Walkman but play is engaged. It's a kind of low volume crackle or distortion but doesn't prevent the normal audio output. Any ideas on the cause of this distortion appreciated.
Hello Aren't you refering to hiss? I have the same Walkman in very good condition,I need a clear window for it as mine has a crack on it unfortunately,the rest is almost mint
Hi David. It's more of a rumbling sound which now causes vibration and that in turn causes a warbling sound. Very noticeable on vocal and extended instrumental sounds. I am probably going to have swap the motor over. I have another DDIII and it doesn't have this issue. B
Hey Silverera Are your gears in good condition? Have you checked your pinchroller? It seems its mechanical and not eletronic
Hi David, Yes the CG and capstan tyre are new and the pinch roller is good. When the unit is running on a solid surface like a table or desk it makes a sound similar to your kitchen fridge compressor. I have a number of restored DD's but this one has a lot of mechanical noise and noticeable vibration present when playing even a TDK MA-XG cassette. My tech guy had it apart again and checked the capstan pressure and the reinstalled CG and the capstan itself for any balancing issue. That's what it feels and sound like. An out of balance flywheel. I might try that next. Using a capstan from another DD.