Hello everyone! I finally decided to join the club. I am not a forum guy but this one seems cool! Plus I am a big fan of the walkman-archive!
Welcome aboard ANA[DIA]LOG! It's a pleasure to have you here. I bet many of us have seen your videos.
Thanks Hugo! I must admit that for what regards walkmans, apart from my childhood experience, you are my #1 source of inspiration. Love the blog and the FB page! Keep up the good work!
Welcome, it was my first time checking out your channel and what's on top? "An Audiophile in Japan!" Brings back memories, I was just there last week, my buddy lives very close to the Waltz which is close to everything. You're right about those little bars and record stores, they're everywhere but you really have to keep your eyes open to find them. Big McIntosh Amps with JBL's is standard sound equipment in the stores and bars, and even in the concrete buildings can't hold back the music quality. The Bar-Tenders (usually the owner) are really proud of their systems, most would sell for over $15,000 USD, and they have them out in the open, that would never happen over here. My only complaint is that radio stinks over there, it's mostly talk but there is some badly done cover-songs. My buddy is an ex-DJ and he says the signal is fully compressed to the point he can't listen to it, I forget what processor they use but he did not like it at all. I also found out what an OBI is, it's the strip of paper on books and albums with more information, the Japanese are very proud of it. They really put a big effort into packaging and graphic arts, their magazine market is thriving while it's shrinking everywhere else.