SQ is sound quality But they could make a compatible system for Dolby But I'm just asking too damn much
You want "bargin basement"? Run $5.00USD through the calculator and you have what I paid for my Crown SZ-11... in 1988!
O.K. Using https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/ I get $10.90 I hope you took good care of it as it appears you might have been able to make a profit https://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-ba...869423?hash=item4b61f31b6f:g:H0AAAOSwfeZcpf6g How did it sound ?
I had one of those Crown Cassete Players, they were decent,it was just a total brick and had some W&F
I have kept it... but not intact, nor entirely. First thing that "broke" was the cassette door. And by "broke" I mean the dann thing just fall-off... and then got lost! Yeah, the cassette was able to stay in place okay, and it's looseness was just another thing to deal with when I hit the stop/eject button (which I didn't miss) but still...! Plus, I'm not sure where it is now... but I'm sure it's sitting in my locker, waiting for me to give it another listen and realize how much better my function-laidened Sony Sport model is. And no, I am not gonna refinish the case in it's original powder pink color!
Just wanted to share with you that the kickstarter campaign is online: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/rtm2020/mystik-a-next-generation-portable-cassette-player They have achieved 159 patrons in 3 days so far so good.
@autoreverser, well, at least all parts seem to work together nicely, desipite that it is all plastic. The "We Are Rewind" looks as if it was created by Gulag prisoners of parts left from 1950s missiles. WM-EX116, WM-FX131, WM-EX352, WM-FX153, WM-FX353 are all made on the "all-plastic" 1990-1999 platform. WM-EX362, WM-EX368, WM-FX251, WM-FX453, WM-FX463 are all made on the last cheap Sony platform that spans from about 1995 to 2010. WM-EX552 shares parts with more expensive 500 and 600 series. I have WM-EX560, which looks very similar. The FX463, which has simple mechanical linkage, no Dolby (the step-up FX465 has Dolby) and is basically a cheap walkman, painted in silver, costs £65. The EX552 that has wired-in remote control and Dolby NR and has metal body frame and intricate metal parts in it, also costs £65. With all the other prices on this page, I would expect the EX552 to cost about a £100. Nowadays, Retrospect sells those plastic players for over a $100. What irony.
Looking at how much a Sony Radio with a Digital Tuner cost in the same catalogue I was surprised. Buy the FX251 and you are effectively getting the cassette deck for free, although it is over twice the size of course. Having said that it is difficult to see much difference between the FX453 and FX463 the only obvious difference being the CR02 switch. I guess it is clever marketing. Some people like a bargain while others always want to buy the top of the range. The difference in the manufacturing cost was probably pennies.