Some questions about the Sony D5/50 and Sony D-J5/D-J50

Discussion in 'Discmans, Minidisc, DCC and other players' started by Herbert, Mar 2, 2020.

  1. Herbert

    Herbert New Member

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    Hi to all,
    for some time, some discmen (but also a Technics SL-XP7) are waiting for Restauration,
    the D5 / D50 (the first Discman and to my knowlegde the CD Player that was sold the most)
    and the D-J5 / D-J50, the last of the good ones. I am the original owner
    of the D-J50 and remember, after one year of use, a friend replaced the plastic clamper
    with the three bearing balls with one that is made of brass. Still works today.

    So, the first question is About the D-J5/J-50:
    Around the display, on the top lid, at the edges, I notice bumps.
    First I tought they came from heavy pressure in a bag or some drop,
    but it looks like it was a flaw introduced during production probably when the metal
    was deep-drawn. Could anyone confirm this with his/her own D-J5 / D-J50?

    Second question is about the D-5/D-50:
    I have the version that has the piano-like finish, so a deep glossy black,
    but it is scratched. I would like to have it repainted. Does anyone know
    (please no guessing) what metal Sony used back then for the top lid and bottom cover.
    Same goes for the type of plastic of the main frame.

    The third question is about the laser:
    The eyepattern shows vertical "jaggies", something I have never seen and I am experienced
    with lasers. I posted this problem over @Kaosun, the owner of this forum guesses a detoriated
    coating of the inner lenses but I am not shure as the glass of my D-50 does not show an orange hue as a symptom. Unfortunately I do not have the photograph of the eyepattern and once posted it @ kaosun. I cannot log in@ kaosun anymore -some silly security questions I never made and therefor cannot answer as well as no administrator to reach. So i cannot see my photograph or load it down. But Maybe someone from here can, I think I saw member
    Jorge @ kaosun as well?
    If not, I can hook the D-50 to my oscilloscope and do a new photograph, but this will take some time...
    If anyone is a member @ kaosun and wants too see the jaggies, here is the link to the thread, thanks a lot, Herbert
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2020
  2. Herbert

    Herbert New Member

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    Oh, just by the way I just found out that the D-J50 has the CXD1167 decoder IC that can be also found in "big" players.
    This IC has an SPDIF output on the unconnected pin#25 - so the D-J50 could be hacked
    to use it used as a transport for any modern DAC...
    Jorge likes this.
  3. Jorge

    Jorge Well-Known Member

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    Malibu, CA
    @Herbert, these are your photos transferred here from
    001.jpg 002.jpg

    If anyone will be able to help you, that would be Kaosun himself; he is the admin of, contact him for login help thru eBay or use his direct email.
    Please post photos of those bumps, although I never had D-J50 and considering the prices do not plan on getting one :(
    Oh, and if you get some info for my never-ending project of Discmans parts composition, let me know:
  4. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    According to Satoshi Neil's Blog, it's aluminum. Take a magnet to it and see if it wants to stick, magnets don't usually want to stick to aluminum. I'm guessing that if it's aluminum there's corrosion going on underneath the paint, without pictures it's impossible not to guess but I feel like on this model the Sony Assembly Line People wore white gloves and hand felt every piece during the process. Japanese Molded, Stamped or Drawn Parts are always beautiful and line up correctly, the parts are pretty basic so they probably didn't hesitate to throw out worn molds. Some of my boombox handles, on the metal sides, are a little dimpled, I'm pretty sure it's corrosion since the bad ones have a green tint on the dimple apex of the nickel plating.

  5. Herbert

    Herbert New Member

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    Hi, thanks to all, especially for retrieving the eyepatterns!
    I thought about the magnet too, just need to get one.
    What speaks agains aluminium ist the fact that it needs to be treated
    to make paint /varnish stick. This is where the green hue on airplanes in the
    factory comes from. I am not talking about anodising where the porous oxide layer
    is dyed like cloth. Still being porous, the holes are so small that one can get an even and shiny
    surface. But it looks like the lid and botton of the D-5/50 as well as the D-J5/50 are painted. The paint on the bottom even mimicks bead blasted, black anodized aluminium. But it is not.
    Talking about anodizing: As one example, the WM-DDII is probably bead-blasted and anodized...
    I did not find Satoshi Neil´s blog, any link?
    I will show the pictures to a friend who is a retired Sony technician, who did also
    repair CD-Players. The blurred waveform indicates that the coating has rotten,
    but another indication for the rot that the visible part of the infrared beam beam should be orangeis missing. One can spot it in the dark, still a small, red dot. (Never look into the lens,
    always from an angle.) But the jaggies are strange, So I hope something is polluting the signals from the photodiode electronically… Will add pictures pf the bumped lid ASAP.
    Jorge, I do not find Kaosun on ebay and in his forum there is no mail contact given.
    Can you give it to me?
    Greetings, Herbert
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2020
  6. Boodokhan

    Boodokhan Well-Known Member

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  7. Herbert

    Herbert New Member

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    As promised, a photo of the bumps around the LCD window of the D-J5 // 50.
    It is the dark areas around the left and right edges edges of the bezel
    that follow the shape. They are very faint on the photograph and look more like stains.
    BTW The glass of the LCD is missing for the moment as I am making
    a new one from a special acrylic that is scratch-free.
    The other image is the mod of the disc-table, replacing the original
    plastic clamper (that fell off) with one made of brass...
    All the best,
    IMG_5465.JPG IMG_5462.JPG
  8. Herbert

    Herbert New Member

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    BTW checked the metal of both player, it is not magnetic, but I still doubt a bit it is aluminium.
    There are many aluminium alloys with different properties but for being fold on a machine,
    Aluminium is normally a tad too brittle
    Besides aluminium foil. Aluminium foil is made of pure aluminium to be soft and wrinkable.
    A lid from pure Aluminium would quickly bent. This is why alloys have to be used...
    But what speaks for Aluminium is the shiny logos, especially the "Discman" Logo above.
    It is black but evenly brushed - you get this effecht only by anodizing 8aluminium) or blueing , (Steel) paint is too coarse for this...

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