I’ve been here before, a few years back now... a few things went a little off track for a while and I’m now down to one Sharp GF9191, still my favourite, as it was my first ‘true love” ... Hopefully, if I can keep on track this time I may be able to build a small collection... let’s see, who out there has a 9292 in working and nice condition available for a reasonable price?
Welcome! Don't blame the members, I typically go to the new post feed and a lot of this stuff doesn't show up until days or weeks later, I'm not sure why. Good luck on the Sharp, I rarely see them over here.
Unfortunately I don't have what you're looking for, but welcome (back) to Stereo2Go! Indeed, sometimes things just go past the forum software's radar. Which colour is your GF9191? You may want to post a thread in the Gear You Want subforum and make sure to check in on the Cool stuff for sale mega-thread from time to time! Might get lucky and see a posting there - and if not, some members post pretty cool stuff in there, so it is worth a visit!
Thank you, think I may have found one in Germany, fingers crossed, may have paid a bit over for it but I guess it’s the price I have to pay...
It’s the bog standard silver, bought it from my mums Grattan mail order catalogue back in the late 70s... I’ve seen the occasional dark colour for sale in North America.... hopefully located a 9292 in Germany, will have to wait a couple of weeks for it to arrive...
Welcome back. You’ll find the boombox side pretty quiet these days, it’s all Walkman stuff now. Boomboxery is the place for boombox stuff. I pop back on here every now and again though. The 9191 has always been one of my favourites. I have a silver one and a black one. My daughter has one too as it was her fave. You’ll not find a good 9292 for a reasonable price tho. The relative rarity to the 9191 bumps up the value. I’ve got a couple of basket cases to make one good one when I have time.
I’ve noticed a marked increase in the price of good 9191s over the past few years... I’m hoping, when it arrives, the 9292 I’ve just purchased is as good as the one I had a few years ago, wish I hadn’t had to sell it but life’s life... I remember from the old forum you were a great help with advice and a font of knowledge.
Aye it’s a bummer when you have to liquidate your collection but sometimes other things are more important. My collection survived a divorce which was lucky lol and, including those I’ve got to do up and sell, is well over 100 now. Building a barn at the moment as the ultimate man cave then the refurbishing and selling will commence!
A barn as a man cave, wow... well I shall look forward to the refurb program and watch with interest when you start selling. I shall pop across to boomboxery and take a look.
Yeh well I’ve made it to 51 without ever owning a garage, just a shed, so I’m going full on with a 30 foot square metal frame barn as I now live in the middle of no where and have an acre of land/woods to play in. Heaven
Sounds idyllic. looks like I won’t be joining boomboxery... the blooming questions to prove you are human are beyond my skill set... I did answer one but not had the confirmation email, we shall see...
Is it still the maths questions? If so you have to do the multiplication and division parts before you do the addition and subtraction
Lol, done the maths one but I’ve not had a confirmation email so assumed I’d got something wrong so started again and got a question on ohms law... I mean, really...