Here are some Pictures of a Sony TPS -L2 . It is in excellent condition but there are no accessories with it. However , although it works inc FfF / Rew, it is playing slowly. I have ordered some new belts for it from Mikholm but can anyone confirm that the old belts are the problem or is it something else?
Yess its 99% certain the belts, when you open the unit you will see that there is not enough tension on the wheels that are being driven by the belt thats why the speed is slow. I advice also the replace the idler tires (2 pieces) and when your a capable the pinch roller. There are also 2 belts needed.
Hi Phillip Tay Hi Philip Taylor, I can confirm that the belts are not the only problem to consider. After replacing the belts on my unit I found that the rubber on the tiny idler wheel had become hard and did not want to drive the play mechanism. Please see my recent post regarding the ordeal i went through to fix my TSP-L2. It is worth fixing, they sound amazing. I have not posted any photos of this situation but I hope to soon. Luke Randall
Hi Tom- Yes, I just saw that in your post. Unfortunately, five years ago, when my idler tire was no good, I did not find them on eBay and I had to go through a long process to have a new one fabricated.
Thanks everyone I have ordered new belts from Marian Mihokand from memory it includes new idler tyre. It sounds complicated though Any video or photos showing how to change belt and idler tyre would be welcomes I can give it a go now i have all the time in the world.
Philip- It is not that complicated to remove the "play" idler drive wheel. I did not have to fix the rewind/fast forward one (yet). When you have removed the old belts, take pictures before so you remember their travel path, simply remove the "c" clip and washer at the top of the plastic gear wheel, this wheel is also part of the belt path, that is above and driven by the" play" idler wheel. Once this wheel is removed you can access the idler drive wheel. Now remove the plastic washer that holds the idler wheel on the shaft. You may have to press the "play" button half way to get the wheel in a removable position. Do not lose this tiny plastic washer. Mine flew somewhere while trying to re-install it and I had to make a new one out of hard thin plastic, then the original one turned up after i had the Walkman put back together. (These are Walkman repair dramas that some people understand... the parts are tiny.) I hope the new idler tire fits back on the rim easily. My idler wheel repair process was different, involving hub and tire fabrication, and took years between a very slow machinist friend and Terry's rubber roller rebuilding service. Consider yourself luck to have bought one from Mirian on Ebay. Also take note of the location of the different body screws that come off of the Walkman when you are taking it apart initially. There are a couple of different length screws. This is not a critical issue, however, it is new knowledge that I have recently acquired based on a missing screw that I have been working on replacing. Feel free to message me if you are having problems. Sincerely, Luke
Hi Tom, I always pictured Mirian as being a woman. She/he pioneered the classic DD cracked gear repair process and also now offers a new DD replacement gear, which makes it easier. Although I did buy the new gear, this repair scares me and I think I am going to send my Sony Budokhan to Deborah Bilham in England to make the repair. From my point of view, this repair appears to be a very complicated process . I have watched the long coaching video and was intimidated by it. I think Marian, who is now famous in the Sony Walkman world, probably makes a decent living dealing with Walkman repairs and replacement part fabrication and sales. I know Deborah has a backlog of a couple months for her repair services. I continue to be amazed by the quality of the products Sony made in Japan during the 70's and 80's.
Luke Thank you for your assistance and offer of help. The belts and idler have not yet arrived from Marián but when they do I will try to attempt the repairs as you suggest. Thanks again