Hey! I've got a Sony WM EX670 and i'm not sure if it supports metal tapes or chrome tapes. I've tested them and the both sound great. Inside the unit there looks like there's two small sensor switches that fall into the notches on the top of the tape to detect which type has been inserted BUT i can't find anything about it in the manual, had a really good search! Is this just a feature that's on there without saying ? Do many walkmans support metal tapes? Thanks
Here we go. There's two small plastic tabs. Yes, they're close together and, when pressed they offer no resistance at all so that tells me they are just sensors. Check out the pics
Okay it's looks like it may support Chrome / Metal. You can always double check by putting a Chrome / Metal cassette in, have a listen then remove the cassette block the Chrome tab then listen again and see if you can hear a difference.
Yes they do, it doubles as the write protection hole. Also for playback of Chrome & Metal cassettes, the deck only needs the second tab in. Since Chrome & Metal have the same EQ 70ms. You would only need the holes nearer the middle if the unit can record on Metal, since Metal needs a different bias.
Ahh okay this is most interesting but abit out of my depth. So, does it support metal and chrome? Thanks