Hey! I've got a Maxell XL UD II cassette tape with a Chicago album recorded onto it, I didn't make the recording, I found it in a junk shop and cannot believe how good this tape sounds. I'm pretty sure it's recorded from vinyl because the gaps between the tracks I can hear record surface noise buried in the tape hiss. I'm listening on a Walkman WM EX-670. My question is, even though my walkman doesn't support chrome type II tapes will they still sound better? Also, if I record onto a chrome tape with a deck that doesn't support chrome tapes, will I reap the benifits? Also does this apply to all other tape types? Thanks so much
Your Walkman is compatible with Chrome tape in fact i think all walkmans are, Your EX-670 has a switch that detects what tape you are using instead of manually selecting it As for recording a decent type 1 recorded with a good deck will sound great,also i suggest you to use Dolby if you can have both your deck and walkman calibrated azimuth wise. If you record on a deck that doesnt support Type 2 like a boombox it wil sound distored or garbled. Get a decent deck for recording at a used shop or online
Thanks for the help, that's great. How do you calibrate the azimuth? Am I right in saying that it significantly improves the high frequency responce? Thanks
Correct,Your Cassette deck and walkman should have a screw to adjust it Usually record the tape with Dolby and if it sound fine playing on the deck adjust your walkman acordingly,you may have to disasemble it a bit. I dont know if you own more Walkmans but the EX670 is fixed head if i recall
If your equipment does not support Chrome or Metal cassettes and you play those cassettes in them, the recording will sound brighter than normal. If you don’t have the correct equipment to set the Azimuth, i recommend you don’t go anywhere near the screws for the Azimuth. Once you mess it up, you have no way of correcting it. With regards to Dolby, experiment and pick the sound you prefer. On good equipment that is quiet and recorded from clean quiet sources Dolby is not necessary.