Not sure if this is the right place for this, reading a recent post / comment regarding catalogs gave me the idea.
I have the blue Sony SP- 1D From memory but I just love the Sony Micro boombox I have never seen that model what is the model Number ?
I have just found this on if anyone is interested it is too expensive with the postage and import duty to UK for me to buy it but it is rare to have a micro with a television screen I presume
Whoa, you'll seriously dent my reputation mentioning the C word. Besides, if I turned back a couple of pages to the real Walkmans, I'm betting there are a few on this forum who could do the same.
Model designations are at the top of the page on the catalog. I've never seen that before, that is unusual. I had a Sony MC boombox in the past, can't remember the model but it had a side sliding front cover and a steel mesh handle / strap thingy across the top. Nice unit but a bit too handbag looking and I think I passed it on to a young lady who coveted it. I'm soft like that
I hope regular contributor TooCool doesn't see that post ! I am guessing you mean the Aiwa CS-M1 I haven't seen that Sharp before. There is a GE with a removable personal stereo apparently that one is "Cool" as well Maybe we should adopt late 1980s speech and start calling everything "Bad"
Great shot Twopotjock, those models tend to be rare over here, the radio cartridge is unobtanium, you may be the first member to every post one, mpr32Dave or AO might also have one. Have you been a MC collector or are these recent pick ups? Philip Taylor, the Sharp Trimate is pretty popular over here but I've only seen the silver model. I think I posted mine in the TV on the radio thread plus a few other microcassette TV boomboxes, I've got a handful of them plus a TV transmitter so I can still use them fully.
I bought them all new in 83/84 and a couple of Aiwa units, the CS-M1 as mentioned above and an HS-M2. I'll be letting go of all this stuff shortly so they'll be listed in the for sale section. In fact I have the Sony M1-PD listed on ebay at the moment, I should really pull that and ask if anyone here is interested first.
Nice! Most of us on the forum and many tape guys had never heard of stereo microcassettes until a few of the members started posting information in the mid 2000's. Those brochures are like gold and rarely turn up, we'd love you if you posted all of it. I might be interested in taking all of it as a package deal.
I have a Aiwa CS-M1 which is in for repair. Sadly there was no handle with it .Does anyone have a spare? I also have another unit up in my sons bedroom I will take some pictures. It works off the mains but the removable personal cassette does not work with batteries for some reason .I will send it in for repair next. I have a few of the Sony personal micros as shown one with the orinal box above I also have an Olympus but again it needs to go for repair. The guy who does the repair has hundreds to do and I have not had any back yet even in lockdown. I hope to hear soon though.
There is an Fisher model on sale now f on EBay. Pricey though but looks really nice and in good working
Here is another unit for sale on eBay from Japan in a nice red colour as well
I appreciate that but it is a good opportunity to show other models as well. Here are photos of the other model I referred to above It is a Sanyo M-66 and it is a removable unit for listening on the move The unit works when in its docking station but oddly the removable unit does not work on its own so it is another repair job .A nice pair of Sony headphones come with it but I do not yet know what the Sanyo phones look like
I understand that was more an admonishment to myself to stop buying things. Nice unit and probably one of the rarer pieces.