We saw a prototype of this speaker in person, and it's fantastic. A very faithful replica of the JVC M90, with working antennas, tape door, bass and treble, but with Bluetooth, USB, Aux. They will begin producing them if there's enough interest. Please consider supporting their Kickstarter campaign to help them get production going. Here's the link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/newwavetoys/replitronics-mini-boombox-project And here's a couple videos about it:
Sweet! I'm in and those change machine batteries are on the list as well. Reli, what's the tape door for?
The tape door is just for style, but it opens and closes nicely and they give you a fake tape to put in it. It's certainly better than having a sealed door.
All those details for a pair of portable speakers w/Bluetooth? I had all that actual functionality (minus Bluetooth) with a pair C-cell powered portables I got from Radio Shack in the day... and could obtain Bluetooth just by plugging-in a pocket-sized Phillips receiver I can get at any Meijers!
Very nice. The info regarding shipping (to which countries, costs) isn't clear. Anybody who has more info about this? Don't want costs to doubble/tripple when it's send to Europe.
Is this company still in business? I would have ordered a couple things but they either sold out quick or never shipped.
I have an Aiwa cs-770 that reduced in this way .. with 3 coupons made in china, excluding all the original circuit I'm working on it to get all the broken links back
Yes they are still in Business and have shipped various Arcade replicas. I know LGR on Youtube has bought some. While they made some prototypes of the mini M90 they seem to be having problems getting it made in quantity and it has been delayed https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/newwavetoys/replitronics-mini-boombox-project/posts/3176290 That is part of the problem with Kickstarter type projects. Techmoan has just bought a new reproduction record player from Amazon Japan that arrived in four days and is surprisingly good. He has been waiting three years for a record player he backed on Kickstarter !
Techmoan received his and has done an in depth review Looking at the level of detail I am wondering if they might consider doing a full size replica as has now been done for the Commodore 64 after the success of the C64 mini.