Hi, I've joined this website because I'm interested in boomboxes and walkmans and I need repair belts for one of my boomboxes and I can't find them. If anyone knows where to find one message me either here if there is a function to private chat which I've yet to find out about or at zknowles95@gmail.com
Welcome to the forum Cassettejcardmemarlol! I'd edit out your email, it will get picked up by the internet spam bots. Our site sponsor on the front page has an excellent reputation, Fix Your Audio. I've also used https://www.turntableneedles.com/Rubber_Drive_Belts-Tape_Decks_Turntables and had really good luck with their belt search engine and the belts arriving in about a week. People that have ordered the big multi-size packs have complained about the fit. I like to have the right belt, some of these boxes can take awhile to get apart and it stinks when the belt doesn't fit.
Welcome! EBay Germany has a guy who sells belts for all kinds of models ebay.de so maybe give that a try? Best of luck!