Hello all! I've found myself with a lot of indoors time at the moment, and I thought I'd try my hand at fixing bits around the house. I have acquired a number of personal stereos, which are mainly low-end and not working, and I thought I may as well film my attempts to fix them, since perhaps it might help someone down the line. I will qualify that I don't have a clue what I'm doing really, and I'm sure I'm committing a fair few cardinal sins along the way. But nonetheless I thought I'd say 'hello'. I'm an '80s child but I didn't get a personal stereo until around 1988, and it was a green Saisho effort that wasn't great. When lockdown is over I hope to scour the loft at my mum's place for it, as I'm pretty sure I kept it, and I'd like to restore it. Anyway I have some YouTube videos up, if you'd like to see any, my channel can be accessed here: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCV7t_nL0-B6PRFm8aWFaHfw Hope to speak to you soon! Alex
Welcome. I have just watched the Panapet video which is a neat idea. I have fancied one for a long time but AM only put me off. I dubt if I will find one for £5 on Ebay though.
Welcome syndicalex! Great videos, pretty soon your going to want to work on bigger better stuff. The best part is popping in that cassette that's been sitting on the table patiently waiting. What's the deal with the music? You did it on your Playstation?
Hi Mister X, some of the early bits were on there, I loved that programme! Then I used dance ejay but most of the newer bits were done on Magic Samplitude. I had to buy a new version recently as the one I have is incompatible with a 64-bit OS. I hate obsolescence!