Hello Guys! I'm a Latin American Guy living in South Korea. I can speak, spanish, Portuguese, italian and (not very well) english. Since a year ago I dicide collect some calculators, table watchs and some analogic devices. About Walkmans I already have more then one hundred. I hope to learn here some tips and thecnics to help me. Thanks
welcome Over 100 walkman , that is great Post some picture your collection when you have time, we would love to see some pictures of your collection
Thank you, I need to put it in order. Some are in drawers, others on the table where I am fixing them. Some in a small closet. Most are in boxes. I started last year, I've cataloged everything using Evernote but I definitely need to separate by brands and organize better.
You got a beautiful collection of walkman units. . I like the way you place them in the box with dividers. Thanks for sharing these pictures
What a nice collection I especially love your Olympus micro cassette in its box what is the model number ? I have a. number of micro cassette models and I have just posted my latest acquisition on the site . It is An Olympus SP 11 with FM Radio
This box with two drawers was lying in a corner in the attic. It belong to my wife and I realized to be a good option. I hope it's still on the market. I will try to buy more. They are made of cardboard.
K7guy, have you seen this website? I think it's in Korean but the owner has done a great job with it. http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=walkman1979&logNo=60070878412
Yes, but I believe this blog is dead, last post was in 2015. Maybe the collection doesn't exist anymore. There are some great collectors in Korea, but they are very rare.
I could not believe it but I found 3 of the Olympus Micro L400 for sale on EBay They were all from the same seller but one had its box with the case remote and Insyructions but no headphones included nor micro- cassette Tape and the box has been sellotaped together However the best thing was the price £30 plus 4 P&P . The other two were cheaper Here is the one I https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Olympus-Pearlcorder-L400-Microcasette-Recorder-Gold-A/224037995428?ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 I have also found two other for sale but a lot dearer here are the auction particulars for each one https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Olympus-...521049?hash=item2847c0f9d9:g:ix0AAOSwMBlZzOyW https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Olympus-...072366?hash=item1f0fdc272e:g:7oYAAOSwRTJesXLD