Technics RS-M225 'squeals' when fast forwarding some tapes, quieter with others...?

Discussion in 'Cassette Decks' started by stereomecha99, Aug 9, 2020.

  1. stereomecha99

    stereomecha99 Active Member

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    United Kingdom
    Hi all, hope you're well. This is a somewhat recent development too, there never used to be any sort of discrepancy in how loud the mechanism was for prerecorded or self-made mixtapes (the former are all ferrous type 1, the mixtapes are all done on chrome type 2). Lately I notice a high-pitched squealing coming from the deck when fast-forwarding type 1 prerecorded tapes while it's relatively quiet for type 2 mixtapes, surely this is an issue with the tapes rather than the deck? Either way it's 30+ years old so I think a new set of belts is in order sooner rather than later, plus new caps if I can source them.

    Any ideas what could be causing this if it isn't down to the tapes themselves? Any input would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
  2. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    I get that on a lot of my component decks, I'm not sure what it is but I always thought it was the tapes and not the decks. If the deck plays without any noise I'm ok with the squeal when FF or RW.
  3. stereomecha99

    stereomecha99 Active Member

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    United Kingdom
    Hi Mister X, yes you're probably right. I spent all of yesterday digitizing and recording new tapes and while I used a Walkman to FF/REW them they played just fine inside my deck. I think I will replace the belt eventually though!

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