Hi from Adelaide, South Australia. I am an analogue fan who is looking for inspiration and guidance to return my boombox it to its former glory. My pride and joy was the AIWA CA-70 I bought myself in 1983 – turned out to be one of the best purchases I ever made – the sound was (and hopefully will be again) just epic. It was put into storage when I moved overseas 30 years ago and I have just taken it out of storage and unfortunately the cassette player is no longer working…and the speakers may need work…but more on that later
Anybody with a beer for an avatar has to be good, they all need a little work, start with the radio and work you way up. These are very nice boxes, I wish I had one. Most issues will start with the function switch, DeOxit it if there are any issues with speakers cutting out or volume control doesn't work. The sliding switches will need Fader Lube.
Welcome to the party! Excited to hear updates on your progress; Mister X is the master at resurrecting these!