The odd one turns up on ebay now and again but as old Hi-Fi is becoming more collectible prices will rise.
Hi all.... I'm a new member to stereo2go. I too collect cassette decks, mostly Sony. I have the Sony TC-203SD deck, and have two Sony TC-204SD decks. I currently use the TC-204SD in my Sony setup. Would love to hear more chatter about your collections. I've been thinking about buying a few boomboxes to add to my collection hence why I'm in here. Cheers, all the way from Canada.
Hi guys I'm back. Here is a small selection of ephemera including a few catalogues. This is an A4 standing display card to show the retailer stocks sony seperates.
The stuff I am showing was in a box in the living room that did not quite make it into a bedroom. Some other items I remebered I had that could go in the box revealed some of my seperates and in responce to the earlier post about the TC-203SD, I found my example and this is just shown in the picture below!