Cassette Decks Restoration videos

Discussion in 'Cassette Decks' started by Ken80s, Nov 28, 2019.

  1. Ken80s

    Ken80s Well-Known Member

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    Very informative on cassette decks offered by this Japanese enthusiast. He is a collector and he did most of the restoration works himself. I like his videos and would like to share with all.
    thid and Command8 like this.
  2. L. Ferri

    L. Ferri New Member

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    Albany, NY
    Thanks for sharing! I'd also like to share videos from an individual in Canada, similar format.
    When I bought my RS-676 it had a couple of issues - This teardown was essential to fixing it. I had this video on for three days and watched it so much with my tape deck in pieces all over my floor :)
    The only thing I skipped fixing was that it rewinds very slowly (because the plastic cylinder that does this task wears out in the middle and physically doesn't occupy the same space anymore) - So you can either replace that roller or wrap heatshrink around it to make it good again - Might do that next year - In the mean time, I just flip the tape over and FF when I need to REW.


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