Many years ago I replaced the speakers on my JVC PC-3 with some 2-way 4 ohm car speakers (Kenwood) which should have been pretty good, but I've never been happy with how they sound so I'm contemplating replacing them again. I've always blamed the poor sound due to the speakers being the wrong impedance ie 4 ohm instead of the originals which were 6 ohm. I've had trouble trying to find 6 ohm 4" speakers, and I wonder how important the impedance actually is... a lot of the speakers say a range that is pretty close to 6 ohms. Do you think the 6 ohm vs 4 ohm difference is important or is it something else about the car speakers that is causing the lower-than-expected sound quality?
Changing mid-bass in a mini-monitor should definitely change its sound signature, not sure if impedance is the main thing to blame. When installing 2-way Kenwoods, did you disconnect the original tweeters?
As Jorge says, different speakers will have different sound signatures. If you could get hold of a datasheet they might show the frequency response, although that will also depend on the enclosure. Regarding impedance I would be wary of going for a lower impedance than the amplifier was designed to drive. Higher impedance is not an issue but lower will mean that while the box will go louder you can overload the amplifier IC to the point where it could overheat and blow. If you had to use 4 ohm I would be inclined to put a high power 2 ohm resistor in series, although that isn't ideal. Using 8 ohm speakers would just mean a little less volume.
The pc-3 only has a single full-range driver. TBH, I can't remember if the kenwood 2-way was full-range or not, but I think it was.
Interesting. I was wondering if the originals were more suited for the bass-reflex enclosure, while the Kenwoods would likely be designed for an enclosed door.
Interesting... it looks like there was two variations: one with a tweeter and yours with a reflex-port disguised as one. If it was not for the grill for the port I would recommend using a piece of foam (old socks) to plug the port before doing anything more drastic
Drivers onto ‘bboxes’ were done to the budget, I would guess any substitute available nowadays would be an ‘upgrade’
I've yet to see a pc-3 with two way speakers. The higher models did have more drivers,but not the 3. Could be wrong but I don't think so. Worth a try with the foam though...
Yeah, I would hope so. I guess I'm wondering how people choose... I've seen other people do similar upgrades. The 6ohm thing was my main area of doubt... Sounds like I should opt for 8ohm.
OOPS! Sorry!!! two-way (or something that looks like two-way) is the first thing that shows on my screen when I Google "JVC PC-3" I think most folks chose based on size/fit. as I did here: