So here's the question. Cleaning tape heads and rollers. I normally use a high percentage isoprop, but I'm reading that some people use, "Denatured alcohol," and I believe that in the UK we know that as methylated spirits. Are the two the same thing and if so, why one over the other? Grateful for any insights.
Hello I also use a high percentage isopropyl Denatured alcohol and isopropyl alcohol are two types of alcohol which differ from each other according to their nature of toxicity. The main difference between denatured alcohol and isopropyl alcohol is that denatured alcohol is composed of ethyl alcohol along with other chemical compounds whereas isopropyl alcohol is composed of only isopropyl alcohol molecules. additive chemicals can harm a human's skin methyl alcohol, also known as methanol.
Hello Michelle , I just ordered a gallon of isopropyl from one of my suppliers . Sincerely Rich P.S. do a lot restoration and repairs so I use it a lot .
For my short time in the tape industry I used 92% (or more) IPA, the extra is water. I used to clean Otari Tape Loaders and also run cleaning tape loops for tape head wear analysis. IPA works great and didn't mess up the testing if specs were from potential client. I never used denatured alcohol and I'd look it up in chemical resistant charts before using it. The denatured alcohol might be for the rollers to get them softer.
In the U.K. Methylated spirits is usually bright Purple. All the additives are only added to make undrinkable. Otherwise the Vodka manufacturers would go out of business.
Isoprop 99% is best for us audio enthusiasts to utilize for cleaning cassette gear. Pro techs have even more powerful tincture cleaners on their benches, but must wear mask filtration to protect breathing. Cheers from MadCity USA !!!
Hello KJ, yes I do have stronger cleaner but I use Isoprop most of the time and for tape recorders and reel to reels and VCRs it works great .
That sounds good, RadioRich ..... Careful though, as some of those stronger solutions have adverse carcinogenic properties that are not good for our fingertips touch and lungs. Cheers, Bleusy