Thats pretty cool! Must say the brown is not my cup of tea but nonetheless awesome. At least the cases cover it up, and btw, is that a leather pouch for a singular cassette??
Nice cassette case, did it come with the unit when new? The brown is actually pretty nice, in a sea of silver and black on my shelf my nearly identical Infinity Intimate Stereo really stands out. It's hard to see but the other parts are gold-ish and it makes a nice contrast. The Infinity Unit is an upgrade with an FM cassette cartridge and I think it's the first portable with Dolby which replaces the "TALK" button on the top. These are very nice quality brick units, super heavy and well made. Cybernet had one of the coolest names, it went on to real fame with the Terminator Movies but they also were the world's largest CB manufacter in the late 70's, making a large portion shipped to the USA but sold under different brands. Cybernet ended up being absorbed by Kyocera in the early 80's and the name seems to have disappeared.
@Mister X i think it did came with case. Its not wery much info on these models, but i was found old adwert for player plus case, not know, was all them with cases or just some, but mine both