I never expect there is someone in my country that possess such skill in Walkman repair. Please watch his restoration works in YouTube .. Contacted him before but have yet to send any Walkman for him to repair.
I watched the video, thanks for sharing, His work is excellent. I am very familiar with this walkman and repaired several of them. One issue not very common on this model is the faulty volume control. This guy replaced it completely and I want to know where to find this part. anybody knows where to find this compatible volume control?
I spent some time at Mouser and DigiKey hoping to find the answer... in the end it was the cheaper models from the same years from Sony as "organ donors" for when I revive Sony Discmans
Actually I manage to find these potentiometer in one of the old electronic shop here in my town. The resistance are match but unfortunately the mounting screw doesn't fit, it's much smaller. ☹️
Found this from eBay https://www.ebay.com/itm/Sony-Walkm...C2-Potentiometer-Volume-Control-/154129527103
I think I need one of these for my DDIII, which has a channel imbalance which varies depending on what volume it is playing at (low volume, right channel all but disappears). Have tried some Deoxit which seemed to initially help, but issue has come back. This auction listing mentions DD2 but not 3 however?