Hello I'm trying to ID this radio. I've recently figured out it's a copy of a Sanyo m2402-4f. I got it in 1984. I lost track of it and want to hunt another down. Been Googling for awhile and haven't had any luck. Any help is appreciated.
I love mono-boxes and it looks like a pretty common Sanyo, one I don't have. I found my first box a few years ago mint, on Ebay, no desire to revisit the one I could barely afford back then. For some reason, music and the equipment we used is burned in our memories, hopefully you find it and crank the heck out of Motley Crue, Van Halen or any of the other awesome bands we had back then. Is that your photo? Most photos with boomers, the person has a smile on their face...
Yep that’s me. I didn’t get into rock until I was older. Although the first tape I picked out for myself when I got this was KISS - Lick It Up. I was probably listening to Thriller, Footloose Soundtrack or Ghostbusters in the pic lol. My neighbor had a huge boombox with dual decks that I used to drool over but I don’t remember what it was. I’d really like to find this exact model but I’d settle for the Sanyo.
I was never a big fan of early KISS but I went to several shows in the late 80's when they had really good supporting bands and those guys can put on great show, they pretty much won me over. My last concert last year was David Lee Roth and KISS, they're old but still rocking!