Rebelting Sony WM-701c and Sony -702

Discussion in 'Tech talk' started by Philip Taylor, Mar 30, 2020.

  1. Philip Taylor

    Philip Taylor Active Member

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    Birkenhead Merseyside
    I have decided to try and replace the belt on each of thee two machines which were not working . They are very similar except for one important thing. The method of opening the back casing is different as the the Sony WM 701c has a more complicated locking system and you need to remove the opening latch system which consist of three very small pieces including a spring which may fly if you do not take care removing these three parts unless you do so the back of the unit will not come off so do not pull it without removing the opening mechanism after removing all the other screws as you may cause damage to the unit . I am now awaiting the belts for these two units and I hope that after fixing them they will both be back up and running

    Meanwhile I have added some pictures of the screws and disassembled 701C and a photo of how I have kept the screws and other items sellotaped securely on a piece of paper noting where each screw / part came from so as to help reinstate the unit after the belt has been replaced

    I would also mention that the stop button the 701C fell out when I removed the top and bottom of it so care is needed note to lose this when opening

    I have three worries so far , as this is my first attempt on these types of unit to replace the belt, which are as follows:

    1. A small black piece shown in separate photo fell out of both units from somewhere and I have no idea where this piece should go or what it is for. Does anybody know?

    2 the hinge of the lid comes off after removing the screw which hols the hinge in place . Has anyone any idea how to replace the hinge easily ?

    3 Finally I have no idea how to replace the three pieces which open the unit with the spring mechanism. Does anyone have any suggestions how it should be replaced ?
    I would be grateful for any help anyone cab give as ,otherwise , I can see that I will have to take the u its with all parts to someone who can repair them . Pictures to follow soon

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    Last edited: Mar 30, 2020
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  2. Jorge

    Jorge Well-Known Member

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    Malibu, CA
    Holy Mother of TPS-L2, these photos should instill mortal fear in the hearts of uninitiated!!!

    I thought that I covered the basics of WM-702 rebelting here: Walkman Repair in Los Angeles?
    Evidently, I missed the part where Walkman just falls apart... Lucky Me ;)
  3. stuck-in-time

    stuck-in-time Well-Known Member

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    Jakarta, Indonesia
    1.PNG 2.PNG
    I hope these diagrams may be a bit of help. If I recall correctly, it's isn't technically that hard to put the spring assembly back in place, it's just that it's so tiny.

    The small black piece... I'm no quite sure, but I'm taking a guess here. Its it an ornamental piece for the external battery connector. There are 2 rather large round holes on one side of the walkman for the battery connector contacts. The holes look like they have plastic rim. I'm guessing that's it. There are 2 of the , and it looks like only 1 fell off. This is just a guess, though.

    As for the hinge, unfortunately I don't remember how it's constructed, and can't give much help without actually fiddling in an actual unit.
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  4. Philip Taylor

    Philip Taylor Active Member

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    Jorge. Thank you so much for your reply and the most helpful diagrams you have posted. I note you say there is a screw for the locking mechanism but I did not need to unscrew anything . I just pushed slightly on the lock and it came apart with the spring and the other two pieces but I never came across the screw which fastens the lock lever
    You are right regarding the black piece. I found another one on the floor later and it must have fallen off after the first one when I was putting the unit back in its presentation case until the belts arrive. I can hardly see the spspri g let alone put it back together. I will need a magnifying glass like the ones watch makers use. I think but I am worried about that missingscrew. Is it possible Sony updated the mechanism as I did not see it referred to in the article by Peter Vis which I posted under another heading for Sony WM -701C by the way the Sony WM 702 does not have the same type of locking mechanism . However, the same blackpiece fell out but not the other one so I will check if it is still in the battery compartment. Thanks again, Jorge.

    I have now looked at the Other unit 7002 and I confirm there’re is one similar attached to the back of the screw hole for attaching the battery adapter so that cofirms where these other two pieces should go in the WM 701C. A have attached a photo of it in that unit .

    Now I just have to put them back to get her after replacing the belt on each one. Has anyone got a spare screw for the locking mechanism and also a spare black screw for the back of the WM - 702 as one of these was missing when it arrived

    I have looked at the site of PeterVis again and I presume now that the screw you refer to is the round piece with the whole init to secure the spring. If so I have this piece which is good news apart from trying to get it back. Thanks again Philip

    I have noticed I mistakenly thanked Jorge for his help
    I m sorry it should have been Stuck -in-time once gain a belated thank you Ps I still hve not fixed it and while trying I accidently cut through the Cable connecting body and the lid. Not my best effort. Is this fixable by n expert?

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    Last edited: Jun 23, 2020
  5. Emiel

    Emiel Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    We’re you able to get the legendary walkmans fixed?
    And can an admin move this thread? It appears to be in the wrong place.
  6. Philip Taylor

    Philip Taylor Active Member

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    Birkenhead Merseyside
    No i never was able to repair the damage I did. I must never try to repair units again I was so upset.
  7. Emiel

    Emiel Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Western Europe
    That’s unfortunate @Philip Taylor . I have been looking for this series of Walkmans, or one of these at least, but have never been able to purchase one for a good price here locally.
  8. Derek marshall

    Derek marshall Well-Known Member

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    Hi Philip. You're a brave man to even attempt to repair those units after hearing some horror stories. I have to replace the belts in my wm-4 again and that is difficult enough for me. Have you considered sending them off to a repair tech? Maybe can still be sorted out. The 701-c is a great sounding unit.
  9. Philip Taylor

    Philip Taylor Active Member

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    Birkenhead Merseyside
    Unfortunately I do not know any one who can do these repairs in the UK do you or anyone else know any body ?
  10. Philip Taylor

    Philip Taylor Active Member

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    Birkenhead Merseyside
    Derek I may have some other of these units in my collection. How much do you want to pay for the model do you need it doxed with all os some accessories . If you let me know I will see what I have
  11. Derek marshall

    Derek marshall Well-Known Member

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    Hi Philip. The only tech I know of in U.K. is Deb-64. She specialises in d-6c repairs and who is an expert on those units. May be worth sending a message because I think she does work on some other models. Regarding your other units i would love one but finances prevent it. Good luck. Derek.
  12. DJay

    DJay New Member

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    Hi Folks. Maybe someone knows if the lock lever on both WM-701C and WM-702 is the same? I have it broken on my 701C and looking for a replacement, buying a 702 for parts would probably be cheaper
  13. Jorge

    Jorge Well-Known Member

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    Malibu, CA
    No, locks are different. WM-701 has a sliding lever for the lock combined with HOLD, but in 702 Sony simplified it to a separate button:
    701.jpg 702.jpg
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  14. DJay

    DJay New Member

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    @Jorge Thanks for reply. Yes, I know about button/slider difference. I mean whether the levers themselves are the same. The tip is broken off in my lever.

    [GALLERY=media, 1898]Lever by DJay posted May 28, 2022 at 8:37 PM[/GALLERY]
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  15. Jorge

    Jorge Well-Known Member

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    Malibu, CA
    amazingly, I do not have a single clear photo of the latch from my WM-702 restoration. Sorry!!! It looks doable to make, as I did for Aiwa, but it won't be the original piece
  16. Emiel

    Emiel Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Western Europe
    @Valentin : did you take such a picture recently?
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  17. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    No, I did not. No picture with that lever unfortunately.
  18. Silver965

    Silver965 Well-Known Member

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    Hope it helps ... from WM702

    Screenshot_1.jpg DSC02968.jpg DSC02967.jpg DSC02969.jpg DSC02970.jpg
    Emiel and Valentin like this.
  19. Narutonish

    Narutonish New Member

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    That tiny spring it's so difficult to put back together. I remember when I Installed my new belt it was a pain in the ass.
  20. DJay

    DJay New Member

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    @Silver965 Thanks! It looks promising, the shape is a bit different, but even if it doesn't fit perfectly, it would be easier to adjust than to make a new one yourself. Maybe you don't need it, I'd love to buy it if so. :nwink:
    Silver965 likes this.

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