I found the graveyard of boomboxes!

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by Mister X, Sep 18, 2021.

  1. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    There's a lot of plastic-fantastic but some cool stuff is also in the corners. Too bad the guy has no clue on the equipment. Anybody remember when old member ARKAY used to talk about the huge electronics markets he'd go to on the way home from work but he never posted a single photo? I imagine they looked liked this. Now I know where that Marantz is hiding!

    Seoul 1.jpg
    Seoul 2.jpg
    Seoul 3.jpg
    Seoul 4.jpg
    Seoul 5.jpg
    Seoul 6.jpg
    Seoul 7.jpg
  2. Jorge

    Jorge Well-Known Member

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    Malibu, CA
    @Mister X - for a sec I thought this is happening around your neighborhood ;)
    I am going to 'like' his effort, hope some S2G-ers will do the same and he shall continue... For a guy addicted to 'old stuff' he seemed genuinely surprised when looking at turntables (He must have missed that LPs are The Thing nowadays) but I give him credit for being impressed by National RS-4360 boombox :)

    During our meet with @Reli a few months ago he had RS-4360 in the trunk of his car: I do not remember the model of the car but I still remember the pains of Not Asking how much that baby would cost me [I was as broke then as I am now...]
    But... I have my Telefunken (yes, That one!) as a memory of the meet, @Reli sold it to me for like next to nothing :)

    I think I will be able to live without JVC RC-M90 (my main Naim stereo shakes the walls better than any bbox can manage) but I still hope to get me RS-4360 someday...
    Boodokhan and Mister X like this.
  3. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Out of all of those boomers, that one looks mint! With my baggage allowance I bet I could grab a few of those and a turntable or two and pay for my plane ticket. Another angle I'm working is they love USA Industrial Stuff from the 50s-70's, I've grabbed some cool drafting lights and equipment at the local flea markets, I might take it over there and do a swap, it goes for big dollars now a days.
    Jorge likes this.
  4. CDV

    CDV Well-Known Member

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    By the ocean
    Of these, I would get the RX-DT 75.
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  5. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    The Mazinger Z is worth some change, some of my older photos have my set in them...

    I'll have to look again for the RX-DT75, I didn't see it...
  6. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Is it the one on top of the Marantz?
  7. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    This is one of ARKAY's Threads from 2008, he couldn't post photos so we never saw his equipment but he described shops like these in Hong Kong all of the time. He found grails every week but outside of this forum, most of us had no idea about all of these wonderful units, most of this was brand new. I imagine he was hitting very similar shops and every once in awhile the good stuff would show up. Radiohier has the famous wall of boomboxes and rents them out, he used to be on here all of the time back then and did confirm ARKAY had a ton of grail boxes, we may never know what happened to them...

    Okay, maybe that title was a bit over-dramatic... but I bought another boombox today. Just one. That isn't such a big thing, just one boombox...

    But it's after buying three yesterday, and several more over the previous few days. SO, I REALLY, REALLY decided ONLY to buy the best, rarest or most "holy" 'grails', only the ones I KNEW I WANTED, not just some interesting or semi-uncommon but ordinary ones. Otherwise, at rate they've been accumulating, I'll have no room to inhale or exhale in my apartment, even before summer comes!

    So tonight I RESISTED a bunch of them. Among the ones I saw but didn't get were things like a Sanyo M7950K, ITT Polo Cassette 109-L, a JVC RC-545W, a Sharp GF-6262, an AJ-420 FS, and many more I didn't bother to write down the numbers of. I was doing well at resisting, until...

    I got ONE box tonight. Just had to. It's one I already have, too. The one I already had/have has a double value for me; I like it for two reasons:

    (1) I wanted one from the moment I saw it on the Boombox Museum pages, but I almost missed it when it was in front of me, because I didn't recognize it as the same box! The one on the website had microphones attached; the one "in the wild" did NOT, so I almost didn't realize it was the same box...

    ...EXCEPT for the lucky fact that RADIOHIER was visiting Hong Kong, and was with me at the time. He pointed at it and told me I should get it, that it was a rare, early box, and if I bought it, I wouldn't regret it.

    Of course, he was right! Only after I got it and came home with it and looked it up, did I realize that I had bought one of my most-wanted boxes! I owe that to RADIOHIER, and every time I look at the box, I think of his visit and the good time we had "hunting" together.

    (2) The second reason I like that box is that it has the original decal/sticker on the cassette door. RADIOHIER said he had seen several (maybe eleven or so) in different cities in the world, but had never seen one that still had the original sticker. I've searched online, but never seen another like that, either, so it is a "special" box, a rarity within a fairly rare box type.

    Otherwise, the box was dirty but cleaned up pretty nicely. Some parts, like the steel "feet", needed some real polishing to look decent again.

    Well, the box I got tonight was, as you've realized by now, another M-9998K, this time withOUT the sticker, too... but in VERY GOOD condition. It looks remarkably new for its age. I found only ONE scratch on it, very slight and shallow, but several inches long, on the right side. I'm not sure if the scratch is removable or not, but I think not quite. Beyond that, it is pretty clean and shiny. A quick-and-simple cleaning will make it look better than my other one, so I'll probably swap around the cassette doors to put the decal on the best box, and maybe swap a few knobs, if apprpriate (cheating, I know...).

    So I only got one box tonight, and it was a duplicate... but I'm not unhappy about it, AT ALL! ...just thinking I have to STOP getting one good box a day like this ...365 boxes after just a year is UNTHINKABLE for me! But if I had the same chance tomorrow, I'd STILL get that box, all over again. It's a good one!
  8. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    i had a 4360 very disappointing box but built well the dt 75 is a great one to have....great video mr x lad i remember Arkay he was supposedly getting m90's every week then he disappeared
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2021
    Jorge and Mister X like this.
  9. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    He went over to AudioKarma.org and concentrated more on component stereos. He always said he didn't have a ton of room to store all of them, I wonder what happened to them? There was a few of you guys in the early days that had a ton of the cool boxes, I was just reading an old thread from baby.boomer, he had 100's, I got my boombox/Walkman Education from you guys, I never knew all this cool stuff existed when I was a kid, we just had the department store stuff.

    Unfortunately I think most of these countries have the same issue, cool equipment but very limited room so there's not a lot of buyers.
    Jorge and Radio Raheem like this.
  10. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    it's crazy dozens of people have come and gone both on here and real life but these forums are still here

    i don't know what threads you can find on member Litfan now sadly passed but he had one of the best collections here in the uk my friend another member was ghettoman who im still in contact over the phone with.....baby boomer there is a name i have not heard in a while

    i have one of the smallest places to date but i still must of had over 100 radios and all my hifi gear in here but really it wasn't manageable

    what gets me is all the dates and fats you guys post, it goes way over my head

    im more of a quality sound tester, how good is it and does it shit on my m90 kinda guy lol
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2021
    Jorge and Mister X like this.
  11. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    What a great video. The best thing is that these appear to be permanent, lock up shops so I guess most of the stuff is still there. I wonder if the shop keepers ever check on eBay etc to see what their goods are worth abroad ?

    The presenters comments about Goldstar reminded me a when we were selling old decorative tins at a vintage fair. A guy that age picked up a tin that had a copyright of around 1990 and was showing all his friends the "really old" tin he had found. To his credit he then bought it. I suppose to him something made in 1990 was old.
    Jorge, Mister X and Radio Raheem like this.
  12. AE_Stereo

    AE_Stereo Active Member S2G Supporter

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    I commented on this video more than a month back. Mister X, I can relate my comments to your photos posted here!

    He looks to be in the early 30's, if not in his 20's. Naturally, he hasn't experienced the best of the audio electronics in real time.
    But appreciate his passion, being from the new generation.

    Good luck to him.
    Jorge and Mister X like this.
  13. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Radio, here's how I search the site, it brings up the new forum and the "forum reader"

    Type this in the google search engine "litfan, site:stereo2go.com" and the following page will pop up.
    The first word is for your search, if you do something like Big Bad Boombox, put all of the words in quotes otherwise it will search for all of the words individually.

    When the big cool super-rare boomboxes are searched using the same method, the same 5-6 guys pop up (you are one of them). I think the forum reader only goes back to 2008 so the really early forum stuff from 2001-2007 is gone forever.

    I want to believe that most of these sellers have zero interest in the internet and and bigger problem is the size of the homes, they have to be really scrupulus about what they can keep around. In the end the homeowner gives the shopkeeper the old electronics, the shopkeeper sells it. ARKAY used to say a lot of it would get thrown in containers and shipped to Africa if he didn't move fast enough. He also said homeowner space was one consideration and they all wanted the newest gear, 10 years ago vintage wasn't on the radar over there.
    Jorge and Radio Raheem like this.
  14. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    did you know there was a forum even before 2001 i wasn't on there i joined in about 2002 so most of our history is gone

    i'll give it a whirl but i think what I'm interested in has gone, thanks my man
  15. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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  16. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    The presenter actually says he is 30 which explains why he thinks Goldstar is a really old brand.
    He would have been five when they started using the name LG.

    People have said that Stereo2Go was an offshoot of this site
    which in turn was an offshoot of some radio programme.
    Jorge likes this.
  17. Jorge

    Jorge Well-Known Member

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    Malibu, CA
    OK, this leaves only one bbox on my To Buy list: Aiwa CS-880 :)
    Radio Raheem likes this.
  18. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    get it my friend you will like that one buddy:wink: how are you liking the telefunken jorge the chocolate bass machine, congrats my friend:boogie:
    Jorge likes this.
  19. Jorge

    Jorge Well-Known Member

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    Malibu, CA
    yes, Telefunken is a Monster! I did not have a chance to get to it, not yet. Gutted RF-5410 takes all my bench-space:
    nickeccles, Emiel, Boodokhan and 2 others like this.
  20. Craig Johnson

    Craig Johnson New Member

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    Fresno CA. USA
    I just love the living tweedle out of all of those ghetto blasters!!! :)
    I used to have a little collection of some rather desirable stereos (like JVC models RC-656, RC-838, RC,550JW, RC-M70, Aiwa CS-600, etc.), but I lost them all in a tragedy in late-2018 so as it stands now, my collection of ghetto blasters is 0 (ZERO). :-(
    Mister X likes this.

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