Hello from Ontario, Canada

Discussion in 'Introducing myself' started by Xenon4U2C, Aug 30, 2021.

  1. Xenon4U2C

    Xenon4U2C New Member

    Trophy Points:
    Barrie, Ontario, Canada
    I'm here because I love what you all love .... Vintage Audio and Electronics.
    I'm here because all this vintage equipment and media bring such good memories
    of an era that was so new and exciting back then and was so great to experience and live through.
    A era I can say personally that I will cherish probably till the day my batteries die out.
    What a great feeling it was walking into the local electronics store and checking out all the new
    stuff that used to come out almost monthly in the 80's. Radios, Tape players, Portables and Big Sound Systems.
    As a young robot I could stay in there for hours just dreaming and admiring all the new equipment.
    What about Record stores ? Having to go and physically search and pickup that great new record or tape.
    Admiring the album artwork and putting it on the turntable to listen to it.
    Maybe, buying the latest new blank tapes and recording stuff at home. Making those mix tapes for your girlfriend or for just cruising,
    or maybe listening in your bedroom in a pair of headphones.
    That's a small example of course, there is so much more.
    Here, I believe I can see what others have and I can share what I have with people here,
    people that appreciate what I do.
    That's why I am here.

    Emiel and Mister X like this.
  2. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Welcome to the forum! It was a different time, we dreamed of all of these cool things and they just kept pumping them out. I was just thinking about how everyone was so proud to find a new album that nobody else had, I remember listening to Wang Chung, Clash, Black Flag, etc for the first time and loving it. On top of it we had all of these cool musical players, that kept getting better every year, to mess with. Luckily a lot of the equipment survived and music lives. Earlier I was messing with a Sansui TT and AIWA Boombox with Bobby Brown cranking, that should put a smile on everyones's face.
  3. Xenon4U2C

    Xenon4U2C New Member

    Trophy Points:
    Barrie, Ontario, Canada
    Oh, BTW ... I do have a YouTube Channel that I have been converting my Vinyl Record collection to Mp4 Videos.
    It's just me having fun and hoping that someone will enjoy the channel and maybe has access to a song they didn't have before.
    I'm going to try and post mostly 80's stuff for now. I am going to post new content shortly, So if there is something you haven't heard
    and want to hear it and I have in my collection I'll try to get on the channel. I bought a very nice high end turntable and needle setup,
    and a really nice disc washing system etc. so now I'm hearing all these interesting little nuances and so much more depth, clarity and
    overall better sound out of the records and hopefully even with the format conversions that it translates into better quality sound for the listener.
    Check it out if you like, let me know what you think and I would really appreciate you subscribing to my channel and feedback.
    Always looking to improve. I am a YouTube "Newbie" LOL, but so far it's been enjoyable making the videos and posting them.
    Here is the Channel, Thx :


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