I discovered Stereo2go earlier this year. I am an audiophile in the United States, and I have quite a bit of live recording, production, editing, mixing, and mastering experience. I started with analog tape in the early 1960s, and moved into the digital age when it came about. I still enjoy playing vinyl, and playing/recording cassettes (on my Sony WM-D6).
Welcome to the forum, feel free to share any stories or photos, it sounds like you've got a lot of experience in audio covering an amazing period in gear development. What kind of music were you involved with?
Our minor league hockey team used to have the classic organ player, that was fun. One of my local ice rinks gave me their Engebretson Organ and two monster Leslie Speakers, the kind with the rotating Jensen Speakers. Unfortunately the Engebretson was solid-state and wouldn't fire up.
We had a full pipe organ with 8 foot tall pipes in our living room. That and the grand piano meant there was only room for a 13" black and white TV and little else.