Bougth this piece of junk as non working unit, to get spares in case of needed for my HS-Pl-50 as seem to be very similar and share the same mecanism. In fact one of the objetive is fix the funcionality of the buttons that was amended with a wire and diodes. The unit was in very bad condition outside an inside, and was sold without any accesories.
Once I received it I tested, one side seems to run ok (mecanism) and the other side stops at few seconds ago every time to push play. No screeching but not any sound. Missing screws along the case.
A lot of rusty all over the pcb, I don't know why, its like it was dropped some liquid inside or maybe it's located in a place near a sea with so much humidity in the ambient
But when I finished recap working an old knightamare returns, buttons funcionality fails... Diode was affected and only play buttons works. At least I could test the sound, the sound was at 50% of its maximum level. All soldered caps was reviewing, everything seems to be ok. Have to adjust the gain, definitively the unit was manipulated or trying to fix previously. With the gain adjusted the unit recover the sound correct pressure level. The phones socket was cleaned as the sound was a little bit muffled
The funcionality was restaured with any issues untill today, only notice is remote switch hold doesn't work, in any postion the buttons works it's not locked and you can activate accidentaly the unit. With a diode everything would be in the right place, and for that reason I'd like to try to install a equivalent spare. I ordered the only I could fin similar to the old one, but it is significantly smaller
One it was put in place and soldered the secondary pcb, the funcionality was restaured! Every button works as It should, including remote hold switch
The mecanism was cleaned and lubricated, issue with side A turns into a big W&F but it doesn't stop. Removing the lid It was a deformed piece
The poor unit was very badly treated, the piece was straighten but issue remains, the cabinet was so deformed near from A side pinch roller, did it my best to straighten it as the cabinet was clearly deformed when put along the desktop. Finally the issue was solved and the unit shows reasonly levels of W&F, ( subjective not measured) Only have to adjust azimut, it's a very convenient function, I don't know why my HS-PL50 doesn't have it, is the best way to adjust both sides, it was a very simply work, first one side and then the other one, no more than 5 minutes and everything ok. Once again is a subjective impressions based on my ears, Definitively azimuth adjust is must in a High End unit in my opinion
Sound analysis, silky and analogue, not any traces of aggresives highs or vocals, rounded bass, very detailed and no any fatigue after several hours or use. In terms of comparision with the HS-PL50 the BBE and HX amorphous head gives this an adventage in solid bass, detailed trebles and wider scene, but the HS-PL300 is still is a good player.