May be looking at one here soon. Can the covers for the speakers come off easy? Anything I should be looking for? Thanks.
Sorry I can't help you, I've bid on a few of those last year but they went into silly money territory. I've got several of the smaller units and Pioneer built them like tanks, some of my favorite models.
Yes, the covers can come off. I remember, the holding tabs seems to be fused inside slightly, but still can be removed safely. But try to remove it, after opening and seeing the condition inside.
I know Mister X, that's why I don't own one yet. I have a line on one just need to see more of it that's all. The 21 31 are nice boxes for sure.
Up to about 1984 they made some nice, solid boomers, some of the 80's designs are out there but they are still solid. Definately keepers! Good luck.....