I am looking for the following Walkmans : Guys and dolls with box brand new or mint condition back to the future with box brand new or mint condition WM-W800 silver or red with box brand new or mint condition Boodokhan with box brand new or mint condition Wm-30 brand new/ mint in the box (any color except silver and black ) DD in blue or green color with box (restored ) Sony CD walkman D-88 in working condition Sharp QT-19B any color in working condition Sharp mini boombox Q-5 green AIWA HS-PX505 AIWA HS-JX505
Greetings it's been a while since I've been on here I know that you were looking for among others, a HS-JX505, DID YOU EVER FIND IT? REGARDS SHAMAN
wow, this request was from years ago. I collected over 500 walkman but Not any AIWA AIWA HS-PX505 or AIWA HS-JX505.
Hi Boodokhan, it's just because I have a pristine condition remote control for the recording version of these Aiwa's (RC-J50), and I am sure there is someone out there who's still looking for it, Kind regards Shaman
Greetings boodokhan, Not sure what you mean (you don't have any Aiwa's) Are you asking me if I have any Aiwa's? Kind regards
I have a decent collection of AIWA walkman units. My favorite AIWA model is HS-J6oo. Even though AIWA portable players suffer capacitor leak , most of my Aiwa units are in working condition. But I do not have a "AIWA HS-PX505".
Right yes understood! I do have a few,, probably you would only want good Vintage Aiwa's, have recently repaired a 505mkll If I am not mistaken,,, have you got a picture of the one you are seeking,? Please,, I have a really good and quite rare Kenwood CP-R750, Radio recorder,, works beautifully on every level but cosmetically looks like it's been dragged out of a thorn Bush, where it had a quite a lot of corrosion over a few seasons from how it looks anyway that was a while ago and that one is fixed, got some bits up on eBay,, I did offer I'm on here but no-one got back to me if you'd like the link for eBay I'm happy to send you that,, oh yes I have a HS-J2 (NOT HS-J02) A gold radio recording thing, that was completely dead in every way although the motor did work that's fixed not 100% as there is a bit of a discrepancy in the balance between left and right whilst on radio, cassette wise good but with some measurable flutter on side 2, sorry if my message is overwhelming!! if you'd like to get back to me with any of your thoughts that could be groovy
https://images.app.goo.gl/rNHCfLikPUGzWS7r8. That link is for a service manual for your J600/ 09, I just happened to spot after returning your message, that wouldn't be the model featured in back to the future? Nicely designed thing,, what tricks Can it do