JVC M70 #2

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by bugpat, Mar 8, 2022.

  1. bugpat

    bugpat New Member

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    FRANCE - South east : Luberon
    hi guys,
    I'm not posting very often here, but I'll work on that ! :)

    So another cool story , you won't believe !
    End of october Christophe, one of my best friends, phone me and told me to come and have a drink, and that he'll give me a JVC boombox he found staying there in his local recycling center...
    I was thinking it was a modern one like this Thomson (french brand) I found in my local recycling center 2 days before (will make a bluetooth mod on this one for my son) :


    But after 2 glasses, he brang me this M70 !!! I didn't believe my eyes ! Just the 2 antennas missing, and a scratch on the metallic plate in front of the tape recorder keys... It works (potentiometers are scratchy, and of course the belts are dead).




    And with my first one :


    Thanks a lot Christophe !!! [​IMG]
    I think I'll made some mods to this one later (I didn't on the other) like leds, BT...
    I already cleaned it inside and outside, changed the belts, so the tape player works OK now. I cleaned and put some special grease in the linear pots, but I have to work on them (2 have a dead contact point)...

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    Last edited: Mar 8, 2022
    thid, Papa and Mister X like this.
  2. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Great find! About 1/3 of my boxes need antennas, I'll pick up a set every once in a while off Ebay, luckily there always seem to be a lot for sale.
  3. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    Sir....sell them and buy the real thing...the jvc m90...congrats though
  4. bugpat

    bugpat New Member

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    FRANCE - South east : Luberon
    Maybe I should do that, but a M90 isn't easy to find.
    I think I'd better wait that my friend find one in his recycling center, this could happen within 10 or 20 years (I'm not in a hurry) :loldiag:

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