New member introduction

Discussion in 'Introducing myself' started by systemBuilder, Mar 12, 2022.

  1. systemBuilder

    systemBuilder New Member

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    Palo Alto, CA, USA
    WM-2 (stolen, 1984)
    WM-F8 (still have it but it sat outside in the yard 4Y and is rusted)
    WM-F41 (still have it)

    I like to fix things including laptops (LCDs and other problems), bicycles, etc. I live in Palo Alto CA. My parents gave me a clock to fix when I was 10 and it never worked again but this gave me the bug of wanting to fix things. Worst repair I ever did was a thinkpad T41p laptop screen replacement. I ordered the $240 IPS Boe Hydis screen from malaysia and it literally took me 14 attempts and 3 coffee breaks to get the screen bezel back in place and finish the repair. It was so difficult to route the wires around the screws and the thinklight! I almost picked up the laptop and threw it against the wall 3x, that's why I needed 3 coffee breaks!
  2. Reli

    Reli Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Welcome, I'm in NorCal too. Many portable stereos have LCD screens that go bad, and could benefit from your expertise
  3. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Welcome to the forum! I used to break laptop screens on a regular basis, sitting them on the floor next to the couch is a bad idea. We had a local company that got Best Buy Returns and would part the equipment out, I always had good luck getting replacement screens.
  4. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK

    When the CCFL backlight went bad on my Toshiba Portege A200 I bought the correct size Toshiba replacement screen only to find that the LVDS connector was different. I ended up taking the CCFL tube out of the new screen and fitting it in the old one which solved the problem. Fiddly but far less difficult that attempting to repair and iPod Touch. Don't ask about that. :nonoplease
  5. systemBuilder

    systemBuilder New Member

    Trophy Points:
    Palo Alto, CA, USA
    Oh wow a CCFL tube replacement makes you a super-hero, longman! There are also people today who perform LED transplants into existing LCD screens. Not only does the screen come out brighter, it also uses less energy extending the battery life! I remember with out many Thinkpad T4xP models, battery life was about 2hrs on 6x 18550 cells, or 3hrs on 9x 18560.

    My new Walkman to restore : Sony F15 / F65. But, for the F65, I've been watching videos on youtube and half of them end in failure! Scary!

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