Recently or revised this Ready player one movie and or noticed these ... the first one looks like a wm20 .. the boombox I can't identify it in that final scene I would say that there are also other interesting things looking at it well
The tuner in the first picture with the sliders next to it is a Sony ST-80F with the amplifier TA-88 next to it. I'm not sure on anything else tho! I'd guess the Boombox is a Sharp, but I'm sure someone here will put me right!
again on this scene..note the references of several science fiction films ... from startrek to star wars the robot that you see in large on the left after the screen I don't remember the film anymore
The robot is Robbie The Robot from Lost in Space The whole film is full of easter eggs and homages to the sci-fi genre in general. Look at all the characters that attack the 'bad guys' at the end of the film, the cars in the race. I need to watch this again!
It's actually from Forbidden Planet (1956) but he did make a guest appearence on Lost In Space years later. It's probably the real one. When I look at the room I see objects that look familar, even some of the stacked boxes look like they're from other movie sets.
Thanks @lupogtiboy great landmark .. I found this on the wiki and basically there are all the films in which he appeared Robby the Robot - Wikipedia