Big Brother's Little Brother.........

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by nickeccles, Nov 20, 2018.

  1. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

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    Littlehampton West Sussex
    Greetings Boombox People!!

    So today I received from Athens, Greece a long awaited addition & most wanted stereo for a long time!!

    After a couple of delays & me not noticing I had a special envelope at the top of the page, Deech & I finally found ourselves singing from the same hymn sheet & the payment & delivery saga was underway!!

    Arriving today I was so happy to have one of these in my hands & mine at last - Sure it needs work & these are really no fun at all to rebelt & service, so I will be doing this one a stage at a time to make sure it all goes well!!

    Small cosmetic issues to sort out (Lucky I was a car panel beater for over 20 years) Reshaping metal is easy but doing so without damaging/marking the finish will be a challenge!

    Radio works, line in works - the sliders are beyond dirty like big brothers were so it's an internal clean for them! I don't want to remove anymore than I need to where removing the deck is concerned as these are complex beasts!!

    Expect a detailed write up sometime soon!

    Thanks Deech I am so happy to get this at last..........

    Silver Brothers - November 2018 (1).jpg Silver Brothers - November 2018 (2).jpg Silver Brothers - November 2018 (3).jpg Silver Brothers - November 2018 (4).jpg Silver SRR-5000L - November 2018.jpg
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2018
  2. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Those are great looking boxes nickeccles, I haven't scored a silver-faced model in ages and those both have those tiny AIWA Style Square Buttons that I love a lot.
    Radio Raheem likes this.
  3. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    There's one of the little Silvers on the bay but it has different branding, unfortunately they want extremely silly money for it. It sure has some good looks but they are impossible to find around here.
  4. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    a dear friend just sold one of those for £20 a great looking mini though Nick congrats
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  5. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    The one on ebay is $500 USD!
  6. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    jesus christ bro sold about 10 boxes all rebelted including this one for £160....i'm sorry mr x but if it were up to me i would shut ebay down or kick the looney tunes off there.......both of my big brothers in this thread cost less than £500 one has been totally recapped and i mran all of them...he sent me a bag of about 100 caps that have been replaced
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2022
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  7. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    You guys tend to have more bargains then we do, plus you have a ton more of these silver-faced, logic controlled, flat-faced units like these from the early 80's.

    I might try a recapping this winter, I put a Hakko Desoldering Tool on my Christmas List, my manual sucker works good but it takes a few tries. I'm thinking of starting easy with some 60's portable turntables and working my way up.
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  8. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    i'm not sure a full recap on my silver was worth it mr x but it was done that way, normally when people say this you take it with a pinch of salt lad but in this case it was goes from one extreme to another though, i bought that boxed gf 575 for 200 lad it was so bad it took about 3 hrs just to clean the heads....and i left feedback first thinking it would be ok because it was boxed......the seller must have been laughing his ass off all the way to the bank
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2022
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  9. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    The only time I spend that much cleaning is when the belt has turned to goo and gotten in every little tiny space. I've got my special banned trifloroxxxxx spray for the really dirty heads.

    I've been watching a lot of Vintage Audio Addict, he's huge into replacing most caps, at minimum you don't have to do it for another 30 years.
    Rajvinder M and Radio Raheem like this.
  10. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    that is one of the best posts you have made Sir

    yes we get more silver stuff here but if i'm honest a lot of it is low end and of no interest to me, you guys get all of the lasonic black plastic fantastic boxes which have also never interested me lad.......i only bought the sharp gf 575 because i thought the best member on here had passed and wanted it in memory of him turns out he is sorta ok thank god but is going through a bad time at the moment.....the 575 is better sounding than i expected though....there are nutters asking over a grand for one on ebay now and you know my opinion on that.......ohh if it's a boombox it doesn't matter what it is we must charge 500 upwards for it...balls to that bro lol
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2022
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  11. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    nickeccles always cleans them like crazy and takes great photos, I bet he could make my Lasonics look like gold even thought they weigh nothing.

    Pricing depends on how much you want the box, I don't think they were cranking out the big ones back in the 80's, there's no way I could afford one then and I never saw a nice one up close, not even in the electronics stores. Some of the nice boomers were going for the same price as a packaged stereo system, over here you wanted bigger because it was always better right? Looking at sales, not a lot sell for silly money but a few are consistant. Personally I'd rather have a cool old boombox or Walkman displayed on my wall than some of the popular stuff I see now.

    I have paid a little extra for a handful of equipment but I have more fun looking for the nuggets that everyone is passing over. Over the years I've taken mental notes on the oddball stuff and focused more on those. Of course if you post it, they always up the asking price for the "super rare" stuff their selling.
  12. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    baby wipes are great mr x followed with some pledge polish lad, i didn't know you had lasonics get them posted bro....i'm sick of seeing my own shit lol

    i have learned one thing, not much is rare after all they made thousands of most models, rare in working order quite possible

    as for prices some have been listing the same box for the same sily amount for over 5 years, so yea they don't all sell

    and yes the big ones were made in the 80's my friend.....they were smaller and turned into eggs by the mid 90's due to noise poloution laws etc
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2022
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  13. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    I've been posting lots of photos, just not Lasonics, maybe somebody should start a thread, The Big, Bold, but kind of Ugly, Monster Boombox thread.......

    The plastic injection molding presses were getting huge in the 80's and could do some impressive work, unfortunately that is a forgotten part of manufacturing history. I used to visit a ton of factories in Michigan, for work, back in the 80's-90's and saw massive machines spitting out parts for cars. The machine that made the fiber reinforced plastic fenders for the Camero was really impressive, about 30 feet high with massive metal molds that stamped the bumper. It was pretty impressive technology at the time since they were using plastics and not metal. Some of the cases on the monster boomboxes are pretty large plastic parts, the boxes might be questionable but the process to make them was interesting.
  14. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

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    Littlehampton West Sussex
    Just keep cleaning over & over like you would a beloved car! :thumbsup2: :thumbsup2:

    It will come right in the end if you show it enough love......Car Wash, Polish Then wax by hand - Repeat until you get this!! :bigthumbsup: :bigthumbsup:
    This car was a mess when I bought it, so unloved like many a boombox I received here! There is always a way to make it all good again! These cars are becoming rare over here now, not many left!
    So love what you have - We all do the same with our boomers! I love to really clean something I own until it shines as bright as it ever can, there is so much satisfaction gained once you finish the job :wink: :wink: :wink:

    Even a crappy old generic Binatone Compo system can be restored to excellent condition as this one from Summer arrived & is now a very decent performer & looks so nice now............

    Freshly Washed! - 9 February 2022 (2).jpg Full Valet! - 5 May 2022 (4).jpg Full Valet! - 5 May 2022 (6).jpg Full Valet! - 5 May 2022 (16).jpg Full Valet! - 5 May 2022 (18).jpg Full Valet! - 5 May 2022 (38).jpg Restored! - 15 June 2022 (11).jpg


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    Last edited: Oct 7, 2022
    Jorge, Mister X and Emiel like this.
  15. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    I guess you know about

    Just 205 left on the road from a peak of 7112

    You should warn any BMW drivers not to try and follow you in the Cougar. Back in around 2000 one of the mangers at work had a Cougar like yours while my Boss had a BMW 3 series which was his pride and joy. One day I got a phone call at about 9:00 from him saying he wouldn't be in the office. He had arrived in a rather unconventional manner, coming through the fence at the other end of the site having tried to follow Ray in his Cougar rather quickly round a roundabout and spun out of control. Proof that Cougars handle better than mid 90s BMWs.
    Mister X and nickeccles like this.
  16. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

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    Littlehampton West Sussex
    Oh she really does go if required but I tend to take it easy these days......
    There was a Sunday driver just now on the way home from the Chinese takeaway on the main road from the next town!

    I was gone in a flash as soon as the open road beckoned & it's a great rush to drop it down a gear or two, Cougar holds the road like my old Honda 4 wheel steering Prelude years ago!! The car hits 70 & above mph so fast! Love that car - One of my few vices left in my life....
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2022
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  17. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Nice car! We never saw that style Cougar over here, that manifold looks like you painted it, it's so clean.

    So what's the deal with the Binatone, if it didn't have the name I'd say it was a Lasonic, it looks like a TRC 920 just a more modern shape.
  18. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    All Cougars were made in the USA

    Having previously owned a Capri I found this video interesting. Amongst many other cars the Cougar gets a mention
    nickeccles likes this.
  19. CDV

    CDV Well-Known Member

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    By the ocean
    It was sold as Mercury. I was thinking of buying one. It was the time when Ford made well-driving yet affordable cars like Mondeo/Contour/Fusion, Cougar, Focus. Now it makes elephantine SUVs.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2022
    nickeccles and Mister X like this.
  20. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    I guess we did, it must not have sold well, I really don't remember it and there's none on the roads now.

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