If you are looking for a Sony WM-DC2, i recommend you avoid this lot. 3 different sellers selling the same exact unit. WM-DC2 1 WM-DC2 2 WM-DC2 3
I tried using the "Reporting" link in eBay but the drop down options do not include duplicate photo/item from a different Seller.
Unfortunately you find this alot.you will generally find this item for sale on sendico or buyee for a fraction of the price.these unscrupulous sellers then try to sell them to collectors over seas at a highly inflated price.once someone buys it they then purchase it on sendico or buyee.They don’t actually have the item to hand. it seems common place.i can actually link you to an example
Voilà https://buyee.jp/mercari/item/m10036613449?conversionType=mer_top_browsing_history https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/134307502545?hash=item1f4559d9d1:g:ZjYAAOSwv75jXxhn&amdata=enc:AQAHAAAA4OpHhgV4/jYDRank1vLnev6qo6K+srCtU231F2Npzi3Ugx6SAUGcmB3ki6t+HzxPyK2Y9IkhGrMloaDuISutFoGbSPFOxaXwsiddZYMDLQRrQjHrUFGZNB2YQXycKkR6YjPL3msqkv7MlIctJIPRb9IsvpuBxxWsMdqCXeyYIQx76BlSrDO5F0AFkAiRipOb1s1qs+C7lDaNcz6O/CS5kjri0rrtpSpWmYSufzUKIhVdNl82sThKjegNn0/C76vjtwbDr/esqi2kpOPUJxCuYZRfWujQtTBTLAcWKITJYIhM|tkp:BFBMqrqlq4Zh https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/144788408091?hash=item21b60fc71b:g:-bMAAOSw2GtjXfte&amdata=enc:AQAHAAAA4C6vNvT7H7KJCB1IE/J7689C6Rus3YiO8zEf/SkFkkQXmTwKmXUEU6p9sCfC57+rRKElVq6C7OJpTGxdK4I4W9bqUu0KvT8akDy2ynYnHt5fCUTXwwJ9jNOkRUEyRjEjapoTJvMWvEUN+xeiF5wUFucyrCnR/pFIjZS9qCXuItUiLTO6/LrR+T3gVr3db3BNQJbmpet+5QLGhvwpjFA1EQVlZ92Gu3KzQHEXyZnZE5WJQWMieeK53e9qSt4zS/RkJp3Qhr7b2ZM4J8GOBHTAF0ckJ+rGofUM6XM31lOLBmQB|tkp:BFBMqrqlq4Zh hopefully mystery solved.bad form if you ask me.you just have to know where to look,£40 odd quid plus postage is actually a decent deal on mercari
You can pick up some absolute bargains on buyee if you have the nerve. picked up this uber rare technics m1 for £17! https://buyee.jp/item/yahoo/auction/f1035691909
I can't surf on that site, too tempting but hopefully I'll be going back over there this winter and coming back with some cases of stuff. I have a buddy in Thailand that does something similar with Ebay and Amazon, he has a program that grabs listed products and he sells them on other sites with a mark up. I don't know the whole workings but there's a large community that does this.