Hey there! I’ve been looking for a piece of my past, a Pioneer SK-650. I bought one with my first paycheck when I was 15, and had it for a year until my dad took it and burned it out during an “unauthorized test.” Boy was I pissed at him! I started my search a few months ago, and I’ve seen a few SK 606s, SK-404s and a couple really bad 650s on Yahoo’s Japanese auction site. There’s a decent one on YouTube but the fella there won’t reply. It’s been fun to search for this old stereo, and however it all works out, it’s been a good bit of therapy to try and replace something that was destroyed many years ago!
That looks to be a nice box http://www.hifi-forum.de/bild/pioneer-sk-650-02_1121014.html If you bought it in the USA there must be few around. It took me three years to find a replacement my first cassette recorder. I can't blame anyone else for losing that as I sold it when I upgraded to a stereo Sony model.
Hey there, Longman, and thanks for the encouragement! Something will turn up in time, and an important part of this adventure is the searching process itself. That looks to be a nicely restored SK-650 that you shared with me. That fella is lucky to have it! I’ve made an observation about the 650… and I could be wrong… but I think many more of that model were sold in Europe and Japan, as it seems that most of the YouTube/internet posts about the SK-650 are from outside the USA.