Good morning. I figured I would make a post before the power went out in my area lol. Let's hope that doesn't happen but I know many of us here in the states are in the grip of a storm, and I hope that everyone makes it through it OK. So… being from the US I have been tempted many times to purchase gear from over in Europe, even Australia I have seen some beautiful looking pieces that we rarely see here. Well I took the plunge, and there was a Teac Z6000 that's been for sale for a while, and no one would bite, nobody purchased it. I ended up engaged in a conversation with the owner of the deck, and quickly found out that he was a really nice guy and we came to a price point where we were both comfortable, and today I have a tracking number. That's a long way to go for a delicate piece of gear, but I'm confident that it will make it in good shape. These are incredibly complex, although the 6000 is not quite as complex as the 7000 because it lacks some of the automation, still it's delicate. Nervous?! Yeah just a little lol, but I try to look at my cup half full instead of half empty, and if it's damaged I'm covered. It is a 220 V 50 Hz machine, so I purchased a converter that not only stepped up our 120 V mains here but also changes the frequency from 60 Hz to 50 Hz. After I did that a repair guy that I trust told me that it really doesn't matter with cassette decks, and where trouble can happen with frequency is open real decks. Anyway I thought it was a good idea to give it the kind of power that it called for from the factory. Most of the ones that we see here in the states, look like they've seen their better days but this one is all done over by a good technician, and running up to factory specs according to the owner. Just thought I'd share that, is it OK to buy yourself Christmas presents? I seem to do that occasionally
That's exciting news. Quite a formidable cassette deck. I missed out on buying a Z-7000 many years ago for less than $500 CAD. I think I might have kept the ad the seller posted in our BUY & SELL weekly print classifieds. Let us know once it arrives. Nando.
Thanks for answering. Merry Christmas. Yeah in the last five or 10 years prices of gone way too high. I think they're actually going to fall some, it doesn't look like anything selling.
Nothing wrong with getting your own gift! I call this boombox season because there are a ton of bargains since most people are buying new stuff for presents and ebay auctions are a great deal right now, at least for another 2-3 weeks. I really have to stay focused and not grab too much stuff. I tend to stay away from the foreign sites, way too tempting but I'm hoping the flights get fully restored to Japan, it's time for another tour of duty. That looks like a monster deck, I still dream of finding one in the wild but even finding decks these days is getting harder although recently I picked up a TEAC GX-F60R and a nice Onkyo for dirt cheap. We're getting the winter wind blast up here, I personally love it, been doing a lot of yard maintanance, we got around 18" of snow and I'm building a huge ice rink in the back yard. I was out with a hose flooding late last night, it stinks cuz your beer freezes three sips into it and the only reason I came in was I was losing feeling in a few fingers.
Yes no one knows what we would like for a gift more than us lol. This was just sent from Hungary on 23 December, and it's slated to be delivered tomorrow. That's crazy because I've had packages take longer from California, especially with the holiday. It will probably take a day to thaw out.
Shes here and I'm recording my first tape. Talk about feeling like a newbie with this deck lol, I was totally lost. Calibration has to be done with a small screwdriver, there are a little trim pots to turn, then you have to set the recording level. It wasn't bad just took a while until I learned what to do. Anyway four days from Hungary to the east coast of the US, hard to believe. Even the UPS guy they delivered it was amazed. I just put it in a temporary place until I find a permanent spot for it, I'm running out of room.
Since the Teac is 220 V and 50 Hz I decided to get it a good power supply and this one not only converts 120 V to 230 V it also converts the frequency from 60 Hz to 50 Hz. I was told that the type of motors in a cassette player should not matter (but they would in an open real deck) if you use 60 Hz or 50 Hz but I wasn't taking any chances and I figured I would always have this in case I ever purchased another deck from Europe.
That is very quick delivery of your Teac deck coming from Hungary. I have received parcels from The Netherlands in as few as 5 days, but it's, usually, between 10-14 days for deliveries from there. It's nice to see you are quick in getting accustomed to it. I hope it gives you great service and enjoyment. Nando.
Four days is really nice, back in the early days of Ebay I was amazed stuff from China came in a little over a week but now overseas shipments can take a long time. That looks like a nice beefy power supply, they're not cheap. I'd probably buy more stuff from Europe if I had one, kind of glad I don't........... Good luck with the deck, I posted a review for the TEAC V-5000 below, they loved the deck.
@Mister X thank you very much for that! You always find some good old ads my friend thank you. As far as my counter problem goes, I follow a technician on YouTube, and this guy is a walking cassette deck encyclopedia. That's all he does is repair cassette decks day in and day out, and his worth ethic is amazing. Anyway I asked him about the tape counter problem, and his reply was check the bulb for the counter, it's probably not bright enough and is not registering like it should. I ran this by the previous owner, and he said yes there was a problem one other time with one of these decks, and it was something to do with the bulb. Like they used to say on the show laugh in… Very interesting.
Making my first recording from an LP using DBX on the Teac. wondering if anyone else uses DBX? I understand that the infamous pumping sound that some people hear is because there's something wrong in the deck itself, whether it be a capacitor or whatever. I'll let you know what I hear when I get done, because this deck has had all that rebuilt. Err except the counter problem and I'm wondering if one of the bulbs/lamps has come dislodged.
No pumping sound using DBX on my Teac, and sounds very natural. I don't normally use noise reduction, but I must say that DBX is very good. I have not heard Dolby S but I understand that is very good as well.
Early on, I used a stand-alone dbx NR processor in my system - a dbx 222 Type II. I hadn't used it in the recording process, only for playback of dbx encoded music. Nando.
Nice! I have to say it's pretty much a perfect copy of the LP that I recorded it from, and in a blind test I would never be able to distinguish between the two. Nice set up, definitely a few pioneer things in there, I dig the pioneer deck and speakers.
The Teac has a DBX disc setting on it. I'm not sure exactly how that works, but I know it would have to be a DBX encoded LP to line up with it. I don't know if it will pass through a DBX LP or just record it and play it. I'm going to pick one up and see what happens, I just don't wanna spend a lot of money.
It's tough not to buy stuff with so many goodies around. It's almost better now than back then because there is so much variety to gawk at. Techmoan did a video on DBX, it might answer your question.