FOR SALE: Nakamichi BX-300

Discussion in 'Auctions and classifieds' started by overmodulated, Dec 31, 2022.

  1. overmodulated

    overmodulated Active Member

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    SOLD! D61C47AE-EF68-4842-940E-62F7FC5E4839.png

    SOLD! I recently purchased a Nakamichi BX-300 in really great shape from the original owner, with the original box, and owners manual. It was supposed to be working when I received it but it was not, and it was a simple fix once I got the right capstan belt. This is the later model with the gear idler which is more dependable, and not the rubber tire model, it also has three discrete heads. It records and plays perfectly, all's functions work as they should, and the only reason I'm selling it is I just bought a different Nakamichi.

    For me to break even on this, I need to get $360 for it, and I'll include another capstan belt, and also the larger belt that goes on the rear of the transport. I did not touch that one because it looked like it was in decent shape, and I've never changed one before. These are just stock pictures from the eBay ad that the gentleman had up before me, and I also added some pictures that I just took today. This is a really great machine and it's had an easy life, cosmetically it's in great shape, and I believe it has many years of trouble free use ahead of it. I've never sold any of my gear, but I have too much of everything, and that's the only reason I'm selling this, and I got a good deal on a different Nakamichi. Three decks is my limit, and I don't need any more.

    By the way the extra capstan belt is from ES labs/ and it was very expensive, the included Rear transport belt was not from them, but from eBay and appears to be of good quality. Like I said I believe the larger belt on the rear of the transport can last quite a while, there's no cracks in it, although it may be a little stretched it works perfectly, and I wouldn't change it until it goes if it does.

    The price is $360 plus shipping firm. I figured it could probably sell for more on eBay, but maybe somebody needs a good working trouble free deck on the forum. Shipped in the original box to avoid damage, and comes with the original manual also.

    I sold this on a different forum and I'm glad it's going to a good home.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2023
    autoreverser likes this.
  2. Elite-ist

    Elite-ist Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Squamish, B.C., Canada
    That's an excellent deal. For more exposure you can try listing it on the Tapeheads forum's Classifieds.

    overmodulated likes this.
  3. overmodulated

    overmodulated Active Member

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    It really is a good deal, and I thought maybe someone here would like a break for a change instead of paying full price. That's probably about $25 less than I have into it, and the only reason that I'm selling it is because I bought a different Nakamichi. It really is a great recording and great playing deck, and there are only a couple of light scratches on the case, and it only looks like it's five years old. I'm sure someone would love to have this, and we could do PayPal, if they choose goods and services they pay the fee.

    I made a deal with the guy on eBay for $400, but it arrived not working and he said he went over it, originally he refunded me $200 because I thought I was going to have to send it in to get repaired, but I repaired it myself, and I actually sent him $100 back on his refund. Fair is fair my friend.

    I'm not on Tapeheads anymore, I asked to have my account deleted before I was ever a full member.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2022
    Elite-ist likes this.
  4. Elite-ist

    Elite-ist Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Squamish, B.C., Canada
    So, which Nakamichi deck did you decide on - the CR-7? Too bad about your fall-out with TH as it's not what it once was. There is another audio forum, I belong to, that would also be up your alley. You can PM if you're interested. I'm an administrator there.

    Having good business ethics goes a long way. I like how you dealt with your BX-300 transaction.

    overmodulated likes this.
  5. overmodulated

    overmodulated Active Member

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    I will PM you.

    Thanks for noticing, and I am a businessman in my area and I have been for a long time. Having good ethics are very important and there are more important things than coming out on top all the time.
    Elite-ist likes this.
  6. overmodulated

    overmodulated Active Member

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    Which Nakamichi you asked I forgot. It's the 680ZX, and it was serviced six months ago at a place that I do business. It really is in mint condition, and I was looking for something that I could save the miles on my other decks, and use this every day. The place where it was serviced has been in business since the 1950s.
  7. Elite-ist

    Elite-ist Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Squamish, B.C., Canada
    Wow... I prefer the looks of that model line- up. So, it's also capable of half-speed playback and recording?

  8. overmodulated

    overmodulated Active Member

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    The looks are definitely part of the reason that I purchased it, it just has a beautiful display on it, even if it is from 1980.

    Yes it is capable of half speed recording and playback, although you sacrifice a little bit of frequency response, and some wow and flutter from what I understand. I don't have a picture of it with the deck turned on unfortunately. it also has a user controlled adjustable Azmath for recording on the front panel. I did get it mostly for playback, but inquiring minds want to know… how good that adjustable recording azimuth is.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2022
    autoreverser and Elite-ist like this.
  9. overmodulated

    overmodulated Active Member

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    More BX-300 pics;


    Attached Files:

  10. joe palmer22

    joe palmer22 New Member

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    dyersburg tn
    hello im joe palmer from dyersburg tennessee usa how much would it be to ship it to me? im very intrested and need a good tape deck if ok i have the funds how would you want me to pay for it? just let me know my email is thanks.
  11. overmodulated

    overmodulated Active Member

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    I should've put this in my original post, but anyone interested can PM me, thank you.

    I can take PayPal as a payment source, and I can link you to who I am on eBay, USaudioMart, and reverb. 99 times out of 100 as a buyer.

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