Sony DD line - interchangeable mechanical parts

Discussion in 'Tech talk' started by Rune Lindman, Jan 17, 2023.

  1. Rune Lindman

    Rune Lindman Active Member

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    Which mechanical parts are interchangeable between the different models ranging from original DD, DC2 and up to DD33? Are there any quality differences in those parts between for example DC2 and the other DD models? Is motor the same? The mechanic looks the same but I assume that Sony might have done improvements or cost reductions between the models.
  2. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    All parts are interchangable with the exception of WM-D3 which has some additional parts like the counter and the REC/PB lever which do not exist on the other models.
    Then the buttons are not identical on all models, but that is pretty obvious. Of course the DD9 and DD1, DD10, DD11 and DD22 have completely different mechs.

    Another difference is in regard to the carriage, the WM-D3 and WM-DD33 having ones that are different from the rest.
    The WM-DD33 has a simpler carriage with only one ball bearing, while the D3 has the additional erase head.
    The WM-D3 also has a different type of small reel gear in order to accomodate the counter belt. This type of gear is more prone to breaking than the other DD models.

    I don't think there are any quality differences in the mechanics as it would not make sense to have more than one production line with different quality grades.
    Not to mention these mechanisms would be produced in bulk and SONY certainly produced a lot more than they would actually need, some of them likely being used for newer generations.
    The differences and cost reductions are in the heads (DC2, D3 have amorphous) and the electronics (DC2 has discrete head preamp, CX20218 Dolby IC and line out).

    When it comes to motors, there are 2 types of motors:
    - an older one with only the SONY logo;
    - a newer one with the SONY and NAMIKI logo (this one I only seen in DD30 and DD33);

    Quality-wise I have seen both types to perform from very good to not so good depending on storage conditions and wear (these coreless motors have a potential issue with the rotor):
    - have seen older type ones that obtain 0.06% WRMS wow&flutter and also newer type that obtains the same 0.06% WRMS;
    - have also seen ones that obtain 0.1% WRMS regardless if new or old type.
    - have seen some older ones that have a lot of internal friction and needed to be disassembled and repaired (pretty rare);
    However haven't seen any new type with this problem, the not so good ones being in the 0.1% WRMS area which is still acceptable (SONY manual says anything below 0.13% is acceptable).
    The vast majority of them do meet the 0.08% specification.

    As for the models themselves, I have seen cases where a WM-DD obtained better wow&flutter than a WM-DC2 despite the latter has quartz lock and the former does not.
    I'm talking about both being fully serviced.
    The DC2 has a better spec of 0.07% WRMS compared to the typical 0.08% WRMS, but in practice that's a marginal difference and not caused by the mechanism.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2023
  3. Rune Lindman

    Rune Lindman Active Member

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    Thanks @Valentin that really good to hear. Then there is no shortage of spare parts as I have collected some really beaten up DD and F5 models that I see no point in fixing up.

    The DD9 on the other hand feels more like a time bomb. Mine is working great so far but seeing what they go for on ebay makes getting spare parts unresonable. A really beaten up and rusty one sold for parts goes for more than I paid for my great looking fully working one.
  4. RetroTech

    RetroTech New Member

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    Yes Valentin is right here. And Rune L WRMS have some to day here lower numbers will sound better. My favor sony walkmans is the: wm-D3 and DD-33 with capastan servo system/Disc drive. But allso remember when making a new tape recording with music that every settings is as good as it can be for that type of tape. Some of the old tapes I had I did make a new fresh copy of since the tape was old and not stored right. Cassette tapes last a long time but they must be away from sun and wet air, or long time expore it will make the sound on them bad if stored in bad conditions over time.

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