Greethings. I use retro tech every day. Some time service if it need service to stay good even today You can always ask if you need tips or help to retro audio tech. My expertise is sony walkman, cassette decks, Cassette Tapes, recording. Other retro things i may know some of like Minidisc, nintendo gameboy, but i know best audio/toys stuff from 1979-1995. Thanks to all that repair retro tech and keep it alive today! Me as well My top 3 list of sony walkman that I love when play music. 1. Sony wm-D3 (best for classic, recording or music that I dont need best bass) 2. Sony wm-DD33 (Best for rock, pop, trance that have deep bass tones) 3. Sony wm-GX788 (a good walkman and have rec and radio. but not best for piano music and often bass can be a bit muffed if set to max bass.) Best tip for new walkman people: get a Sony or other from 1980s-1990s if you consider to want to try walkman and hear the sound. They have best sound then the new copy clones out there. A good first time user can try out the classic: Sony wm-fx313 this is not so expensive and easy to get used today. Just remember that most walkman use rubber belt inside so make sure it is working or new. Regards RetroTech
Welcome to the forum, @RetroTech ! It's always nice to see people like you who are into servicing these units, as this is something that will ne needed more and more especially on the older units. I service these units as well, but am also into collecting (walkmans in particular) since most of these interesting high-end units were not even available in my country back in the day. What are your favourite walkmans ? Are you also interested in other brands or just SONY ? SONY is by far the most popular brand, but there are many other interesting ones out there.
Thanks for the reply. I do like other brands then Sony. Like Pioneer, Tascam. But when it comes to walkman I like Sony best. Not only for the models and sound but allso for most of the models are more easy to work on the some other models I have tryed. So I stick to sony when it comes to service this tiny amazing retro audio things. But yes I have favorittes: If you want clear sound I stick to my wm-D3 but yes it dont have so much bass but clear sound (when clean and tuned right), But If I want to have something little more easy take with me on the go, I go for the Sony wm-ex658. It have good bass and play well metal and type2 tapes (same as D3 but remember D3 dont have much bass) The last model that is allso on my top 3 list is: Sony DD-33. Super sound and bass when clean and set to right spects. But i use medium bass settings on it. Using max bass can make the bass muffed. Depends on song style and the tape and recording. But for me it is hard to tell if a record I made on a good type2 or metal tape is lower sound quality then a CD. In my ears CD and the Walkmans I use is neck in neck on the sound. I love it.