Sony FH-11 Receiver issue

Discussion in 'Tech talk' started by Rune Lindman, Feb 13, 2023.

  1. Rune Lindman

    Rune Lindman Active Member

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    I'm restoring a Sony FH-11 and have started with the receiver. It was working before I started if I recall correctly. I then went ahead and fixed 3 issues, battery backup, backlight and missing segments in the display. I installed a battery holder, replaced the bulb and found cracked solder joints to the display. The display now works great but now I can only receive one station on the FM band and that is in the very top of frequency range (106.1MHz) I get absolutely noting on any other frequency.

    I have went through and touched up most of the solder joints in case they broke while handling the board but no difference. What could have gone wrong? Everything looks right, the only station it does catch has great reception in stereo, station memory is saved.

    One note though, I saw once that it switched temporary to a lower lowest frequency 76 something (not sure but it was below 80) instead of 87.5, it hasn't happened since but maybe this is a clue. Is there a setup feature to select the region?

    Update: The station it receives has correct frequency. Also tried radio reception in the same spot with a WM-F5 and there are tons on strong stations there.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2023
  2. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    Two possibilities.
    • The bargain ICF-SW7600G I bought recently just drifted around randomly. The problem was a flex cable between the control and RF boards not being seated in a connector correctly.
    • Is the 106.1 station the most powerful ? My wife's car radio now only receives one station which is a national station with a very powerful transmitter. Reading around I suspect water has got in the antenna. You might have a bad antenna connection.
    A final thought. Have you tried AM? Does that tune correctly?
  3. Rune Lindman

    Rune Lindman Active Member

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    I don't see any drifting, it clearly and stable catch that one channel on 106.1 and also notice two more channels above 106.1 but with bad reception (but with no drifting). There is absolutely nothing below 106.1 just noise.
    I tried AM and compared to another radio and they seem the same in reception. Can catch channels over the whole band. I have a hunch that this is not about reception but something in the radio either something gone bad or wrong regional setting. I'm still suspicious about region setting as I once saw that it showed frequency below 80 which is not supported in Sweden. I'm really lost here, it's all very strange.

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