My Sony WM-4 bought back in about 1984/5. Still going strong. This is still my favourite, for sentimental reasons I suppose. It has certainly been through the mill as they say. It use to travel with me everywhere. It is not 100% working- the fast forward/ rewind, cue/ review dont work but I never use those functions anyway. The cassette lid does not stay open and it looks quite tatty but still sounds good. My question is does anyone have and still use a favourite 80's Walkman in the same sort of condition as mine? One that you listen to on more or less a daily basis.
You know what I am going to say , the only Walkman I use on a daily basis is. Drum roll…… Sony WM-DC2. My DC2’s have done a lot of travelling with me. I do generally get them serviced and try to keep them in good condition, so I guess in that way they are different to yours as they are generally not battered but heavily used. Here is one of them.
Here's mine, bought in 1986 and still going strong, although it has been serviced. I used to take this to school and on family holidays. God only knows how it survived! It sounds way better than it ought to, and makes a pretty punchy recording too.
I never had anything last more than a two years which is odd because I saved almost everything from when I was a kid like GI Joe's, HO Train Sets, Aurora Slot Cars, etc. I was kind of a clutz and action sports took their toll on my portable audio.