Looking for a Sony Walkman wm-1

Discussion in 'Gear you want' started by Guilherme Henrique, Apr 21, 2023.

  1. Guilherme Henrique

    Guilherme Henrique New Member

    Trophy Points:
    Brazil fortaleza Ceará
    Well I'm a newbie kinda I always had interest and researched since 2016 to be short when I wanted to find a wm-1 around they weren't for sale and rarely around and out of nowhere they're now showing up wayyyyyy out of budget like almost Brazilian minimum wage lol so If y'all can help me find one of those chonky bois I'd be thankful
  2. Recaptcha

    Recaptcha Well-Known Member

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    For what it’s worth, If you are looking for cheaper deals on Walkmans, I suggest buying from Japan. I buy all of my models from Japan using a proxy like Buyee and the pricing is a good deal cheaper once you learn how to shop. Keep in mind, shipping costs can be pricy if you ship from Japan to your home country, so be mindful and try to use the shipping calculators.

    WM-1 has long been an expensive model to collect, though I’ve never understood why. It’s made out of plastic, and was designed to be cost-effective when it came out. TPS-L2, which was actually the first Walkman, was mostly metal and a bit more substantial.

    Anyways, those are my tips, now my questions are:

    Why does your budget look like?
    Why did you settle on the WM-1?

    Hope this helps!
  3. Guilherme Henrique

    Guilherme Henrique New Member

    Trophy Points:
    Brazil fortaleza Ceará
    Hey thanks for the tips!
    My budget is looking sad lol but I can try and see what I can do or just save up for more
    Why wm-1? Well tbh I wanted a tps-l2 at first but it's wayyyyyyyy out of budget so I went for the wm-1 honestly it's mainly the looks the tps-l2 got me into the hobby and I want something of similar looks big windows chonky looking and all other models of my interest are the wm-f41 and the wm-f45

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