Sony WM-40/10rv autorreverse issue

Discussion in 'Tech talk' started by 649er, May 6, 2023.

  1. 649er

    649er New Member

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    Hello! I have just recently attempted a service to this Wm 40. Everything has been cleaned and lubricated. However when hitting the play button it’ll just throw itself into an infinite loop of auto reversing. I’m hoping if someone can show me the mechanics of the system or if there is a switch I forgot to set or if I put the capstan flywheel gears in the correct order, (as for some reason in this model the capstan flywheels are not the same as each other. I would appreciate a photo showing the correct flywheel gear orientation on a working Wm-40/10rv). I have put a youtube link to show my problem. I’m not very familiar with this mechanism so any help would be greatly appreciated.

    A couple of interesting observations:

    1. When you hold down the direction button it’ll stop auto reversing itself, however the center gear will stay in the middle, the left, or the right

    2. It’ll keep auto reversing itself even if the looping switch is turned off or on. ( the switch on the side of auto reversing Walkmans that tell the Walkman whether or not to play the tape infinitely )

    3. Same goes for if a cassette is inserted, it’ll keep auto reversing regardless

    Also please forgive me If I have done anything wrong in the “forum culture”! I am very new to this, so please I’d appreciate tips on how to properly post a forum.

    YouTube link:
  2. Silver965

    Silver965 Well-Known Member

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    Hello and welcome
    in general the mechanism starts from the electromagnet which engages a cam... and locks it in position... from your video you see the electromagnet clicking continuously...
    or it doesn't work so it never engages the cam. .. or it is continuously solicited and therefore remains in a loop
    I'm attaching more photos from the service manual

    wm40.jpg wm40a.jpg wm40b.jpg
    Valentin likes this.
  3. 649er

    649er New Member

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    Thanks for the help! It does look like that electro magnetic is causing problems as the flywheel gears are indeed in the right place. However I have still been unable to fix the problem. I’ve been manually moving the “movable contact plate” and it seems to help a little.
    If anyone could provide a video of the mechanism in a working Sony Wm 40/10rv I think that would help me a lot!

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