Hello all. Glad to join here and gain some great knowledge Passed my Radio ham Foundation license a few years ago and now getting into retro boomboxes and walkmans. Looking to buy a Hitachi Cx W800 in good condition. Best regards to you all. Rich
Welcome. I wonder if you have been to any Amateur Radio Rallies. I have been going to them for forty years now and find there is quite a lot of crossover between radio enthusiasts and audio enthusiasts. In the 1980s, before anyone had heard of the internet, they served a similar function to eBay nowadays for selling on broken electronics. I recall going to the Longleat Rally the year after Argos started selling Sony Walkmans and traders had literal buckets full of broken ones for a couple of £s each. Some pictures of a more recent rally here https://www.stereo2go.com/forums/th...ies-what-else-do-you-collect.6023/#post-45025 Your post prompted me to book our stand at FRARS Hamfest for August 2023.
Thanx for the reply Longman. Not been to any rallies but I know a couple of fellow hams who occasionally do. Used to go to boot sales back in the day walking round a big field and looking in car boots which was fun and always exciting if you found something you liked. I passed my radio ham Foundation license 2 yrs ago after acquiring a yupiteru 7100 scanner again and was picking up the local PMR lads. I then purchased a beofang handy and started chatting to them. They pushed me to do the license which I did online. You get 26 questions and need to get 19 for a pass. I was watching videos on YouTube and doing the mock exams a lot until I was confident. Now I own a few decent radios. Anybody interested in radio ham I would give it a go as it's quite easy to acquire a foundation license. There's a local PMR group run by an 85 yr old guy called George. He has really good knowledge and fixes computers regularly for people. It's all great fun and I think there is around 40-50 PMR user's that come on all together and we have a Net night on a Monday.
Hello Mr Postie and thanx for the reply. As I was saying to Longman theres a local PMR group who chat on channel 14 446.168 FM. I'm located in Hadlow so not too far from you really
Welcome from Surrey The CX W800 is a monster - the top-of-the-line from the 1st generation of Hitachi 3Ds. I have one but it's not fully working - unsurprisingly the CD player no longer works & there are some other issues, I think. Here's a pic of my 1st gen 3Ds, with the CX-W800 at the bottom right: