I've always loved the Technics Line of Audio Equipment. Most of their equipment is not considered equal to the big three of Marantz, Pioneer and Sansui but I've always like the design and desire to be something a little different and, at some points, to be on the leading edge. I posted my JVC Field Recorder a few weeks ago, a nice beefy 70's unit that still might be considered a type of boombox since it meets all the criteria including, battery compartment, internal speaker and media player. The only thing these guys don't have is a radio. I've just picked up this Technics 646D that's been on my short term radar and it was local! These things are heavy so I saved on shipping by picking it up but they are really heavy when you put in the 8 D-cell batteries. This one was blessed to have the case which looks like this unit was well loved. The case is still all in one piece but it's worn like a Indy Jones Leather Jacket. The good news is the recorder is in very good condition and still works! The player is a little slow so I'm guessing a rebelting is in order. I haven't popped it open yet but the case has several "access" panels, I have to believe serviceability was high up on the wish-list for these. There is some information available but not too much, HiFiEngine.com has the specs and brochure. https://www.hifiengine.com/manual_library/technics/rs-646ds.shtml There is also a little brother to this model, the RS-686D, a three head unit that is more large clunky Walkman Size, much more rare and it was double the price.
Wow, extremely similar styling. This might be one of the few with a radio, I wonder how well it records FM?
Some more information on the Audio-Database... http://audio-database.com/TechnicsPanasonic/player/rs-646d-e.html
A nice little Japanese Blog comparing it to the Sony D5M, the translation suffers a little bit.... https://translate.google.com/transl...yahoo.co.jp/fpxjx334/64984397.html&edit-text=
Gromit.dk has the sale brochure if anybody is interested. I can't read the website but it looks like a DVD nostalgia forum. http://www.gromit.dk/technics/rs-686ds.pdf And they have some good Technics Brochures on this page http://www.gromit.dk/technics/
Those links... great content . I've recently got a 646D and I am glad I can accompany it with some literature. Will post pictures when ready, it's going to be restored to fully serviced working condition as to be going capturing a concert tomorrow. I am still looking for a cheap TC-D5M but I deem the prices way overinflated... that's why I have set searches for JVC, Uher, Teac... but also other SONYs are pretty beautiful machines, I wouldn't disdain a TC-2800 series.
I would place Technics way above Marantz & Sansui! Pioneer's ranges varied a lot in quality & build whereas Technics build quality was always high here in Europe! Technics equipment was a notch above 'standard' Panasonic stuff! Just look at how many Technics Direct Drive turntables survive from the early 80's compared to most other manufacturers!! How many Pioneer Turntables do you see around or for sale! By 1980 Technics was the leader in turntables sales & performance! Pioneer's equivalent TT's were simply not as good as Technics! & as for cassette decks, no comparison, the Technics decks were vastly superior, huge capstan flywheels & amazing tape transport systems in nearly all their decks! I could go on...................but you get the picture! Technics as we really knew it is not really still with us today! Thank god there are 1000's of used units still out there!!
technics was a great brand lads but it;s like any other brand. if you went cheap you had mickey mouse but if you invested some good money you had way better quality....they had systems new for 250 and quite honestly if i had one of them it would have gone straight out for the rubbish lol
Technics TTs set the standard for quality in the mid-70's, even the entry-level models still survive today and work flawlessly, the mid-mid level can be dialed in easier and will still hold a constant speed. Personally I find the Pioneer Mid-Level Models a tad better than Technics but it's such a slim margain I'd be happy with either. Sure these are very low on the scale of TTs but most of us grew up with these choices as kids. Good luck with your search M80116, I've picked up most of my bargain field recorders right before Christmas, for some reason online sales are slow and there's lot's of bargains. Let us know how the recording goes, I'd love to hear more about the full set-up with all of the equipment used. My Technics is a shelf queen behind me right now but it looks so good with those big yellow-ish dials.