DAK : my son still uses a little turntable pre-amp equalizer we bought!! worked fine, kind of cheap build but still works! Plus it came with software to "remove vinyl pops and clicks" so you could make clean recordings!!
Yes, and there was always some "catch" or hidden offer! Or even extra stuff, like the "click and pop remover" software! It was a 2800-pc preamp-fader
@Mister X : went to one of your favorite reference sites and found DAK catalog ... like 32meg so can't upload, but here is one page on a TEAC cassette deck (if it uploads ok...)
I've got a BSR EQ-3000 that they also advertised heavily back in the 80's, it looks cool when it's fully lit up and it kind of works better then some of the other EQs I have. It's kind of like the TEAC above, the DAK Buyer knew that some added flash on the units must have been good for sales. Here's 1990's catalog https://archive.org/details/DAK_Catalog_Summer_1990/page/n75/mode/2up