If you haven't seen it, I strongly recommend it. It's a true story of Enrico, an italian DJ that started to make mixtapes and sold them illegally in Italy, and became the biggest selling stamp in italy in those years! Very curious, and you can see so many decks in the film, specially when you see their labs. I'm talking about 40-50 decks, all working at a time:
Just for your curiosity, I post some screenshots of the movie. It's impressive how many decks they have bought for this movie. I guess they will post on eBay after that... Sorry, there are visual spoilers! Did you watch it? What do you think?
Great film, I just watched it on Netflix, a little-known story, 3 brothers who copied and sold 180 million cassettes in the 80s/90s in Italy, a country where brothel and corruption reigned, a true story, barely believable ! The film is very well written and directed, with unknown actors who play very well, a surprising reconstruction and impeccable settings from the 80s/90s, and tons of cassettes and decks! I had a great time ...
Thanks for the head's up, I'll have to watch it, it looks right up my alley. When streaming Netflix was new they had a great selection of international movies, stuff like Troll Hunter, Dead Snow and OSS 117 were a great change of pace from some of the crappy same-old, same-old movies we were pumping out. I've read that now, with their world-wide presence, they are producing their own international movies and dubbing them into the local languages.
Yep. And I like this kind of movies based in real stories. When a movie about the story of the cassette, or the walkmans, maybe the TPS-L2... that would be very nice to watch. I'm sure that the full story behind is inspiring.
I had to watch it, all those wonderful boomboxes and tape decks. I love period pieces like this from the 70's-80's with the cars and clothing. It's an amazing story how they took over the market, it puts things in perspective when you read about the rampant world-wide bootlegging that was done back then. Did they say who the mole was and were they trying to get caught at the end?